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Author Topic: [Forum] Opening a "General Fallout Discussion" and a "Roleplaying" Subforum  (Read 6361 times)


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As you can read in the title, I want to suggest these things. In the past time, there were several instances where I didnt know where to post certain things.
Things like that or things like that could be placed there. Alsoplustoo, maybe it could benefit the feel of a "community" if we could also discuss things here, about the general fallout canon. Yeah Yeah, I know there is NMA and DaC, but I would like to keep things straight to one community.
I have more then 4 thread ideas in mind for a start if this gets real. :)

Also, a roleplaying board could REALLY benefit the game and the forum. For an example, just look at the awesome Forum Roleplay Board the german Site "FalloutNow" has. Thousands of quality posts provided by a rather small community. Also, things started with roleplaying could be played again in FOnline if the story is real fleshed out and the forum/text gamemaster is really good. I would suggest myself as a Game Master for Forum based Roleplaying, but there are others too I would think they could push it to a better level.

Of course, just suggestions. Just wanted to hear about the general acceptance of the people dwelling here. :)

Winston Wolf

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God, I would squirt off in my pants if we would have a roleplay forum. :o
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 02:53:21 am by Winston Wolf »

Ned Logan

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Yeah, in fact it is very suprising there is no roleplay forum yet. It could be also used for annoucing player made events which have something to do with RP at least a bit...


  • Violent Pacifist.
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I supremely like a RP subforum.  It would let me write there instead of having to post things to General discussions, which it... really isn't.  I put thought into what I write, and having it lost beneath whine threads is... irksome.  Not everyone would have an interest of course, though it would be nice if those who did could look a little easier at finding such things.  Not to mention, I enjoy RP (though probably not forum stuff.  I has a distaste for non-realtime RP, i.e. chat). 

Any superiors read this, like and maybe implement this, I definitely want in.  8)
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"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."- Rorschach
"It's what people know about themselves inside... that makes them afraid." -The Stranger

YES YES YES i love this idea!

I was starting to think i should make one but you just made my day.

I would say a totally big yes, and if i can help in anything just let me know.


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YES, YES, YES, YES! Want it! Give it to me!!!
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.

While we are suggesting additional sub forums:

A flaming board (unmoderated) could REALLY benefit the game and the forum. For an example, just look at the awesome Forum Fight Club Board the english Site "AzureL2" has. Thousands of quality posts provided by a rather small community. Also, things started with flaming could be played again in FOnline if the flame is real heated and the forum PvPer is really hardcore.

Ok, jokes aside, now the serious part of why I am suggesting this, and I really do believe it will benefit the community (at least those involved in PvP and who don't take the internet seriously):

Currently, Gang Issues, is being used for anything but what it was intended for (Just take a look for yourself at a couple of threads). I primarily believe this has to due with the strictness of moderation in the sub-forum. I am also puzzled as to why allow people to get mad if threads with minimal flaming get locked. Instead of Gang Issues, I suggest it gets replaced with an unmoderated sub-forum like Flame Section, or maybe "The Hole" if you really want to get creative; with post count being disabled, viewable by only registered users and of course nothing illegal can be posted.
Potentially, this would benefit the community in two ways: First, it allows a healthy venue for the community to act "silly" and joke around without repercussions; allowing the community to become more animated.
Second, less nonsense and flaming in other sections, such as recruitment or general (We all remember threads like "OMG! this guy kill me"), which would relieve stress on the moderators and focus the corresponding sections on what they are suppose to achieve.


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This is a really bad suggestion.
People arent supposed to flame there like little 4year old kids. One doesnt need bad words and insults to settle down things

Ned Logan

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Yeah I agree some kind of flame allowed subforum would be beneficial. After all these kind of threads are quite entertaining.
Maybe just don't lock the threads in junk section...

People arent supposed to flame there like little 4year old kids. One doesnt need bad words and insults to settle down things

This is true, in fact, you just need time to settle down, however I fail to see why this would make my suggestion bad. Primarily, I suggested this out of entertainment and for people to have a jolly time. The people who would act as 4 year olds, as you say, will only make themselves the laughing stock of the community (Remember Xoen?). Flame forums aren't only about insults and bad words (flaming), it is also about expression of the wit. If someone feels like their blood pressure will go up, just shouldn't visit this part of the forum. The words Flame Section, would probably be a misnomer (as I just explained), therefore calling it The Hole, would be more suitable.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 08:34:36 pm by JustGreat »

You mean another thread moderate by police ?
A like this idea, subforums for different things like RP and etc, but not under control by someone as you ...
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Thanks Hololasima. We understood your personal crusade about this evil, bad german dude, but please now either you settle down this using PMs or either you calm down. I don't want to read other posts that make me feel I'm reading a 13-years-old-teenager's diary (fock the police, fock surf solar he is GM, etc).
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer

Thanks Hololasima. We understood your personal crusade about this evil, bad german dude, but please now either you settle down this using PMs or either you calm down. I don't want to read other posts that make me feel I'm reading a 13-years-old-teenager's diary (fock the police, fock surf solar he is GM, etc).

There was my opinion about this idea ... A like this idea, subforums for different things like RP and etc

And btw : Its not about that he is GM, it doesnt matter for me. He is moderator, its worst ...
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There can never be an unmoderated forum, imho.  This is the internet. Do not trust people.  Due to the content of the internet, I would not feel right leaving an area unmoderated.  You want to flame? Make your own flame-chat somewhere and invite people.  There is no reason to have more than what is present in that regard on this forum.

Edit: Also, lets get back on topic.  This was about an original RP subforum.  You want a flame area, create your own thread and lets keep the discussion there and out of this, please.
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"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."- Rorschach
"It's what people know about themselves inside... that makes them afraid." -The Stranger


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Also, a roleplaying board could REALLY benefit the game and the forum. For an example, just look at the awesome Forum Roleplay Board the german Site "FalloutNow" has. Thousands of quality posts provided by a rather small community. Also, things started with roleplaying could be played again in FOnline if the story is real fleshed out and the forum/text gamemaster is really good. I would suggest myself as a Game Master for Forum based Roleplaying, but there are others too I would think they could push it to a better level.

 Yeah, i like the role play. But i hope role play support will not stop by creating role play subforum. I have in my mind story, kind of quest that could be ingame created without NPCs, only by players. Problem is dual log rule, because i will need 2 computers for most actions of that.
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