Other > Suggestions

Life Giver Perks

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--- Quote from: Solar on August 26, 2010, 06:10:49 pm ---Who said this?  :-\

Bypasses are no problem ... DPS from a sniper is still below what a burst is capable of when you factor bypasses in 

Knockdowns/outs on the other hand...

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You know Solar dps in this game is a bit weird factor. That's because we have characters whose hp ammounts vary significantly. Secondly we got factors that can dramatically increase or decrease the dps. Someone can do 10 damage with a weapon which someone else deals 100 dmg. Most used weapons deal even so big damage in the first strike that there's no need to even discuss dps because the opponent is dead.

In fps games dps is easier to visualize when everyone has around the same hp and there are no perks like bonus ranged damage or living anatomy. Same with rts games.

Solar what are u talking about, dude u want to tell me that a laser rifle that uses 1 mfc per shoot ( laser is 500-700 caps) is  just a bit weaker than an avenger burst ( avenger 8k + 1 burst 300-500 caps depends if u buy ammo from players or craft urself )
game's mechanics is broken and u dont even get it, u have super expensive stuff that uses tons of ammo ( i mean im sick of gathering and crafting 5mm just to shoot a few times ) and that gun is 5-10% better than cheap laser rifle, all u need is a ew build ( ofcz its up to perks, critical hits and critical tabels, broken arms eyes, do u know that in turn base battle blue guy with bb gun can kill a guy with an avenger wearing  ca:bh, 1 broken arm and the guy is useless, then legs and thats it, no doc, nothing, the same during real time combat, if someone breaks ur arm with any kind of rifle ( sniper, laser, assault ) u can only use ur doc skill once, u will not be able to do it again b/c the battle will be already finished.

when u think about a gun think about everything, critical hits, breaking arms or eyes, price of the weapon, price of its ammo, how it works against cheap and expensive armors, there is so many factors
it all looks the same, u brought sneak back b/c u wanted remove town prewiev and creat a new scout proffesion, and again u didnt think about 100 other things that will be changed

You probably don't understand that these types of guns you mention are supposed to be more rare then usual Small Guns Stuff. Not everyone in Original Fallout was running around in Big Gunners Stuff. Thats why its more hard to craft. But I agree that Energy Weapons Stuff should be equal hard.

what i mean is u have the tree of guns and armors, some of them are really cheap like laser rifles ( 1 laser rifle is 700 caps max )
and u have weapons which uses almost 700 caps each time they shoot, HOW do u want to balance them and forget the pirce of the gun?

every sniper rifle is as good as critical tabels let it be, and no matter what u say, the expensive gun must be atealst 10 times better than the cheaper one, and dont forget full loot, u can lose laser rifles every day few times, try to do it with avengers and 5 mm ammo, people complain they say bad big guners they killed me and looted my 10 mm pistol, they dont know how much time and effort crafting all that stuff takes


--- Quote from: TwistedIndoctrine on August 26, 2010, 04:58:49 pm ---Problem 3: Combat is too fast, in part due to low hit point levels compared to damage output.

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Play TB... well, unless you want to TC. Anyway, I think it is good - all fallout shootouts are fast , not even looking at Fallout tactics. In Fallout tactics RT - ZOMG, THE SPEED! And its realistic, I don't think you can stand up being hit like with 60 bullets of minigun and then be hit in the eye by a sniper with high penetration and all would happen - you just fall off your feet and have some scars and scratches.

Back to topic - Hell no!!! Then, what is the use of this perk as a perk? If you want slower fights and all that, why don't we just increase the health of all players right at the start of char registration? Why don't we boost Llife giver, making it give more health? Your suggestion is absolutely faulty.


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