So, there's a lot of people saying that 2238 sucks when it comes to player interaction. Yeah, we have unguarded mines and the NCR and the occasional rp-project. Oh, and there's the fact that people enjoy their caves perhaps a bit too much and I personally think that this won't change with the introduction of NPC factions.
What can be done? Well, nothing brings out the deepest emotions like a sudden encounter in the desert - an ambush perhaps?
We have an item. It's called a map. It's not used. It could be craftable with enough outdoorsman. What would it do? Well, it'd create an ambush location. Much like what you get with a radio, only that once you leave there's no going back. Once everyone leaves, it disappears - so in terms of scripting, it's the most temporary "base" ever.
So yeah, bases can't be found on the worldmap, so why should we care? Because the rules would be slightly different. Allow me to elaborate:
- every person that enters the square makes some sort of highest outdoor of his party vs outdoor of the creator of an ambush roll. He fails, he gets an encounter, entering the ambush site;
- to keep it from being abusable, we could have every square with a caravan perform a caravan vs ambush site roll every minute or so; if the caravan wins, they enter and immediately engage. Nobody likes raiders setting up on their turf, so you basically get a patrol up your arse the moment you set up in the wrong spot... and the trouble doesn't end there, since patrols tend to have radio operators, and radio operators tend to say silly things like "Alpha, this is Bravo, requesting backup at grid ref Zulu-Echo-6-4" or some other stuff like that. So, a minute after a patrol enters and takes at least single casualty we get a strikeforce going in. Patrols would be like 5-6 guys, strike groups would be like 10-25. Dunno, would have to balance that. Since you can't really re-enter such location, you won't get all this loot even when you're a sole survivor of a mighty 10 man top tier gang squad, so it won't really upset the balance;
- if I didn't make myself clear enough - you may leave, you may not re-enter without making a new spot;
- always real time, no exceptions;
- ambushes do stack, maybe with a roll allowing one group to detect the other every 3 or 5 minutes and some competitive outdoor roll; the group that loses has a few minutes to leave or spawns at the other group's site (optional, not sure how stacked some squares would get).
What this does:
- more action, more fun;
- less single-player users;
- less gung-ho travel - you really need to wear that armor and some squad mates before you leave;
- something to do for the weak gangs;
- roleplaying opportunities when it comes to mercenary and bodyguard services.
Hope you like it.