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Author Topic: Concerning the recent bans  (Read 20493 times)

Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #45 on: August 23, 2010, 03:48:01 pm »

Nonsense, BG have big advantage because they dont need to aim, just one click to burst.. Fallout was created as a Turn Based one. I think that you should be able to use your player skill/ character advantages/ gun advantages instead of fast clicking..
But don't you think rest of "shortcuts" affects actually bg chars? All time running, stims on shortcuts
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Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #46 on: August 23, 2010, 03:53:09 pm »

But don't you think rest of "shortcuts" affects actually bg chars? All time running, stims on shortcuts

 All time running is only way how to make unarmed or melee chars more competitive.

 Stims and drug shortcuts is hell good idea how to enable classic patrol in cities.. Without this, you are to afraid to enter city without drugs effect, because you will have not enouth time to use your needed drugs. After this, you are able, because you are quick.

 Wrote that you want, but i think that only smart reason why is this aimer banned is because of it penetrate Fonline game and network code. Other ways were making little more online game from obsolete TB fallout interface.
Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #47 on: August 23, 2010, 04:36:49 pm »

 Stims and drug shortcuts is hell good idea how to enable classic patrol in cities.. Without this, you are to afraid to enter city without drugs effect, because you will have not enouth time to use your needed drugs. After this, you are able, because you are quick.

Well, i never used any third party tools but this is actually a great idea and i hope it gets implemented with the next update. Seriously, the usability of the interfact is just horribly outdated (even Diablo 1 has shortcuts for potions and this game is from 1997!!) and uncomfortable. Also Gizmos argument is valid, using drugs or stimpacks takes too much time which can and will cause certain death in situations described above. So i really hope we will see those shortcuts ingame for those who dont want to use thirdparty tools.

Kind regards



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Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #48 on: August 23, 2010, 04:37:47 pm »

Great to ban cheater before wipe ! I suggest yo dev to check it at the begining of th next session in order to ban them !

The better will be to ban an ip untill next wipe if a cheater is taken ! A lvl 21char can be done in a day ....
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 07:22:10 pm by dskpnk »


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Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #49 on: August 23, 2010, 09:08:51 pm »

There's no point to ban a certain ip cause dynamic ip numbers are quite common now days.

And IMHO the explenation that "I used cheats because everybody uses them" is one of the lamest excuses there are. I mean that's the same like "I download movies/games because everybody does that". If you say this now, why not use it later? I didn't want to kill him but everybody kill people so that is ok for me to do so.
Grow up men.
Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #50 on: August 23, 2010, 09:37:46 pm »

IP?! Did anyone heard about MAC address? I can get it even via web browser, so there is no problem to get it via low-level language...


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Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #51 on: August 24, 2010, 06:05:01 pm »

And Mac adress is unique !

But i heard that 70% of people are cheating so we need a comunity, Fonline is a beta at the moment !
Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #52 on: August 24, 2010, 07:54:06 pm »

Mac adress can be easily masked and faked especially in linux.
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Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #53 on: August 24, 2010, 10:54:33 pm »

All time running is only way how to make unarmed or melee chars more competitive.

 Stims and drug shortcuts is hell good idea how to enable classic patrol in cities.. Without this, you are to afraid to enter city without drugs effect, because you will have not enouth time to use your needed drugs. After this, you are able, because you are quick.

 Wrote that you want, but i think that only smart reason why is this aimer banned is because of it penetrate Fonline game and network code. Other ways were making little more online game from obsolete TB fallout interface.
Well, in my opinion, more and more shortcuts will lead to less and less strategy, cause everybody will have the same powerbuild and will do the same thing : click here and push 2 keys (reload and use stimpack)... PvP will lose a lot of interest.
Yeah, the interface needs improvements cause of the real time thing, but it doesn't mean devs should make a Post Nuclear Diablo (I know they won't, fortunately).

(sorry for off topic)
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Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #54 on: August 25, 2010, 06:59:59 am »

Well, in my opinion, more and more shortcuts will lead to less and less strategy, cause everybody will have the same powerbuild and will do the same thing : click here and push 2 keys (reload and use stimpack)... PvP will lose a lot of interest.
Yeah, the interface needs improvements cause of the real time thing, but it doesn't mean devs should make a Post Nuclear Diablo (I know they won't, fortunately).

(sorry for off topic)

Shortcuts don't have negative effect on strategy in any way, actually they improve them (we are able to execute strategies that are unthinkable without shortcuts). And lack of some alternative ways how to fight is games fault. I absolutely agree with DonGizmo. There is nothing wrong with FOCD features (if we ignore dual log support) other than it messes up with 2238 codes and stuff.


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Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #55 on: August 25, 2010, 07:18:26 am »

There is nothing wrong with FOCD features but there is something wrong in actual PvP.
There is 0 tactic, just win the stronger, no chances for small groups, if you don't have players advantage over opponent gang there wont be fight.
Also now it just looks like "Shot! Shot! Stop thinking! JUST SHOT and make ur brain useless!".
As for me fights became boring this way.
I miss F:Tactics and their features...  ::)
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Re: Concerning the recent bans
« Reply #56 on: August 25, 2010, 08:40:13 am »

This leads to nowhere, there is clear statement about using 3rd party "helpers".


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