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Author Topic: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]  (Read 5212 times)

Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« on: August 12, 2010, 08:14:03 pm »

(I had a quick look 5 tabs deep in the closed suggestions and didn't see a thread relating to this, although I have seen it mentioned in passing on the forums somewhere)

I have one lvl21 character, and am currently levelling a second, better balanced character who is lvl14 right now.  Levelling predominantly through the PvE random encounters.

So far, my experience of PvP (all be it just in interrupted random encounters) has been of one turn kills. It is more than a little frustrating to be killed without having an opportunity to make any decision that will effect the outcome of the battle. It is simply a case of who gets the first turn, and whether that person shoots or walks off.  It is also frustrating to be forced into shooting another player simply because if you don't, he can easily immediately kill you, again without the opportunity to react to such agression.

I would consider it a more engaging process if HP levels were greater, or weapon damage smaller, so that it might take more than one turn to kill a player. It should provide the opportunity to actually use stims or to find cover, to swap to a more appropriate weapon/ammo type for the environment etc. Ultimately good combat mechanics should give you the opportunity to influence the outcome of the battle through choices, and this is not something I am seeing right now in FOnline.

Perhaps TC is different, where you go well prepared, with friends, and stay in strategically safe places.  But out in the wild, in solo play, there seems to be no actual combat, certainly nothing sophisticated or challenging.  

Surely it is not good gameplay to be watching your character die (especially with the consequences of death in FOnline) without having any opportunity to influence it.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2010, 08:18:13 pm by Baptiste »
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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2010, 09:31:26 pm »

Armors should be nerfed up. More fun and less one turn encounters bursting your ass.
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2010, 09:45:44 pm »

the whole PvP is just sick.     yepp

its all been said here and there:
- combat is 2 fast
- full drop is way 2 serious given the time that is needed to get ur stuff back
- loner is a walking deadman. always
- u name it

high tier weapons must not be craftable, must be obtaineble only via quests with a reasonble cooldown

the encounter thing with PK's hunting loners must be remade

the Game factions must offer alot to players (BoS, Raiders...)

u can do a lot of thing here, or the farmfest will continue...
life goes on...


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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2010, 11:08:20 pm »

I would consider it a more engaging process if HP levels were greater, or weapon damage smaller, so that it might take more than one turn to kill a player.

Damn seconded, right now, combat is a matter of absolutes. Even CA armor doesn't help much.
As for NPC factions, i agree, they should give you a bit more than professions or unique prerequisites, even if i have to agree that it would be a lot of work.

Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2010, 12:16:11 am »

Agreed.  One of the cheapest builds out is the sneak/nade or sneak/burst build or even sneak sniper.  Again, the popularity of these builds is because usually, whoever shoots first wins. 

I suggest the beefing up of armors.  Full drop currently is a joke because it merely gives players a second reason to grief people, to see if they have something worth taking.

The loss of full drop and encouragement of pvp in pvp sanctioned areas (or full drop in sanctioned pvp areas), will not hurt legitimate PVP, but the griefers.

In every encounter I have been killed in by another person, it was always to grief.  Thats why you never see those losers taking on folks like lawyers or notorious pkers like chosen soldiers.  Instead it is the un-armed folks who get their cooldowns robbed.


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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2010, 12:19:03 am »

Agreed.  One of the cheapest builds out is the sneak/nade or sneak/burst build or even sneak sniper.  Again, the popularity of these builds is because usually, whoever shoots first wins. 

I suggest the beefing up of armors.  Full drop currently is a joke because it merely gives players a second reason to grief people, to see if they have something worth taking.

The loss of full drop and encouragement of pvp in pvp sanctioned areas (or full drop in sanctioned pvp areas), will not hurt legitimate PVP, but the griefers.

In every encounter I have been killed in by another person, it was always to grief.  Thats why you never see those losers taking on folks like lawyers or notorious pkers like chosen soldiers.  Instead it is the un-armed folks who get their cooldowns robbed.

and their time, and their spare equipment, because the victims usually need everything they carry...
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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2010, 12:31:59 am »


Is that meant to be sarcastic?

When or how the hell griefing ever became acceptable I do not know.  For example, losing a gun book is a pain since the hub happens to be on the other side of the map.  Or getting killed while attempting the Mordino quest because said griefer thinks its "funny".

The only reason I see for it would be in beta so the devs know how badly it can be abused and to rectify it later.  
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 12:34:02 am by Keldorn »


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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2010, 12:34:03 am »

If you think about it the fact that Raiders in the fallout games love to torture and maim peple (GRIEF) means it is absolutely Fallout canon for this shit to be happening....  Even though I don't like it myself its true.
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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2010, 12:53:53 am »

If you think about it the fact that Raiders in the fallout games love to torture and maim peple (GRIEF) means it is absolutely Fallout canon for this shit to be happening....  Even though I don't like it myself its true.

If you want to follow the "Wasteland is tough" logic, then me might as well have to drink from toilets if we cannot find fresh water.  We should have to eat daily as well.  Your character would have to sleep.  He couldn't stay out in the radiated wasteland all day.  I mean after all we want fucking realism.  

Will we ever get rid of griefing?  No I don't think so being as how people are.  However, lets not rub salt into the wounds with full drop death.

There is a point where things go overboard.  There is a reason why WoW re-invented the MMO genre.  It didn't punish people for death as severly as in Ultima or Fonline or other MMOS.  Hardcore PVPers could go to specified battlegrounds to earn loot and bragging rights.  In a battleground, you are guaranteed to fight those with the same mentality, same goal, and same available loot.  
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 01:00:52 am by Keldorn »


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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2010, 01:01:30 am »

too bad we've evolved to the point where we eat kevlar and weapon parts, I usually eat 40 or so deagles daily...
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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2010, 01:16:27 am »

If you want to follow the "Wasteland is tough" logic, then me might as well have to drink from toilets if we cannot find fresh water.  We should have to eat daily as well.  Your character would have to sleep.  He couldn't stay out in the radiated wasteland all day.  I mean after all we want fucking realism.  

Will we ever get rid of griefing?  No I don't think so being as how people are.  However, lets not rub salt into the wounds with full drop death.

There is a point where things go overboard.  There is a reason why WoW re-invented the MMO genre.  It didn't punish people for death as severly as in Ultima or Fonline or other MMOS.  Hardcore PVPers could go to specified battlegrounds to earn loot and bragging rights.  In a battleground, you are guaranteed to fight those with the same mentality, same goal, and same available loot.  
1.  Who said anything about realism?  I said "Fallout Canon", and I'm pretty sure the Fallout world isn't real...

2.  Full drop sucks but solving this is by making cooldowns alot shorter, but making higher tier stuff need even more mats, to make higher tier stuff, more.. high tier... and rare..

3.  Fallout, The Wasteland, is a warzone for survival, ever heard the term, "Survival of the fittest"?  It is very realistic, but it is also very Falloutish.

People in a wasteland fighting for survival, some will turn evil/griefers, some won't, it is what it is.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 01:20:16 am by Michaelh139 »
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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2010, 01:31:23 am »

too bad all the "ugly" people are so proficient in  combat, in the end, mercs aren't going to make any difference, if you can gather 5 mercs you can get easily beaten by a party of 3 players because of the shitty AS (artificial stupidity for all you who don't get AS), and minigunners will have the run of the mill really, most combat takes place within their effective range and no amount of knockouts is gonna change that their survivability being top dog compared to any smallgunner, money doesn't matter as long as you are alive to tell the tale...
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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2010, 01:38:51 am »

too bad all the "ugly" people are so proficient in  combat, in the end, mercs aren't going to make any difference, if you can gather 5 mercs you can get easily beaten by a party of 3 players because of the shitty AS (artificial stupidity for all you who don't get AS), and minigunners will have the run of the mill really, most combat takes place within their effective range and no amount of knockouts is gonna change that their survivability being top dog compared to any smallgunner, money doesn't matter as long as you are alive to tell the tale...

5 shitty minions controlled by a mastermind is quite the threat if the mastermind is developed enough. ;D

Even 5 mercs with huntin rifles would be dangerous as long as a certain someone can manage to get close enough to make the killing burst(s) while the enemy is dstracted.

Now imagine all the mercs in realtime wielding LSWs and rocket launchers.
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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2010, 01:51:30 am »


1.  Who said anything about realism?  I said "Fallout Canon", and I'm pretty sure the Fallout world isn't real...

Every wasteland story has "raiders".  Ever wasteland story also happens to be about surviving IE eating, drinking, staying out in the irradiated and scorching days as little as possible.  This has nothing to do with canon and much more to do with realism.

2.  Full drop sucks but solving this is by making cooldowns alot shorter, but making higher tier stuff need even more mats, to make higher tier stuff, more.. high tier... and rare..

How does this solution make full drop on death suck any less??  How about people earn PVP gear in "gasp", something like battlegrounds.  You know, Joe Schmoe wants to talk all this shit and thinks he such as badass player, why not have him test  his metal against others of the same mentality.  To make battlegrounds or town control even more popular, why not implement full drop in those types of combat only?  You want that extemely rare Gauss Rifle or super expensive Avenger minigun?  One would actually have to fight for it instead of using a one shot "bitch build" that may or may not exploit game mechanics or flat out abuse of game mechanics by getting town guards in NCR to do the dirty work.

3.  Fallout, The Wasteland, is a warzone for survival, ever heard the term, "Survival of the fittest"?  It is very realistic, but it is also very Falloutish

Again more Darwin remarks.  Read again response to 1 and 2.  

It makes more sense that people start out levelling through either crafting or PVE material.  Once those folks have achieved everything they can from PVE (a lot easier to do when you dont keep losiing shit to assholes or making lengthy trips to pick up stupid crafting books or wasting real and gathering times on getting junk), they can go try their hand at pvp.  If they lose their gear in the arena than tough shit.  Its the risk ya take to be  a real badass.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 02:06:44 am by Keldorn »


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Re: Potential damage per combat turn [PvP]
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2010, 02:04:35 am »

Every wasteland story has "raiders".  Ever wasteland story also happens to be about surviving IE eating, drinking, staying out in the irradiated and scorching days as little as possible.  This has nothing to do with canon and much more to do with realism.

How does this solution make full drop on death suck any less??  How about people earn PVP gear in "gasp", something like battlegrounds.  You know, Joe Schmoe wants to talk all this shit and thinks he such as badass player, why not have him test  his metal against others of the same mentality.  To make battlegrounds or town control even more popularl, why not implement full drop in those types of combat only?  You want that extemely rare Gauss Rifle or super expensive Avenger minigun?  Go try and take it from the fella who has it.  

Again more Darwin remarks.  Read again response to 1 and 2.  

It makes more sense that people start out levelling through either crafting or PVE material.  Once those folks have achieved everything they can from PVE (a lot easier to do when you dont keep losiing shit to assholes or making lengthy trips to pick up stupid crafting books or wasting real and gathering times on getting junk), they can go try their hand at pvp.  If they lose their gear in the arena than tough shit.  Its the risk ya take to be  a real badass.

1.  Exactly, every wasteland  Game and Movie has raiders, because why?  Its canon, its something in a post-apocalyptic wasteland  people have percieved one to have.

2.  People who risk their extremely high tier stuff will berisking even more if it took more mats, and with lower cooldown, lower tier mats, and equipmet would be cheaper,with the resources being less hard to get and equipment being less hard to get.

3.  water, food, all that crap has already been suggested, and no one is sure if it will be implemented, so yeah, its a possibilty we will have our classic wasteland with raiders and need for food to survive etc,but if not lets try and keep some of it that already here...

People are ass holes in every game, mmo, deathmatch anyting online there will be ass holes, there will be griefers, its part of the internet please get over it.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
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