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fallout 1 ,2 or 3 which is your favourite
--- Quote from: Wichura on August 12, 2010, 05:44:15 pm ---- Join! Die! Join! Die! and you can "join" if you like
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Yes, but unfortunately you'll see main menu screen after, not run around in super mutie skin shooting humans with laser rifle or minigun.
--- Quote from: Wichura on August 12, 2010, 05:44:15 pm ---F2 sux ass, because:
- rush is necessary only while catching fleas, not making large RPG
- "jokes" are "funny"
- few talking heads, but tons of useless "itanz"
- you can buy in a STORE items like PA, gauss guns, bozar (WTF is this anyway? sniper-big-gun-rifle-machine-gun?)
- storyline thin like Tesco's cashier salary
- whole bunch of teenage mastrubators worked on this part, some places, items or characters are looking like wet-dream-come-true
- New Reno ("OMG, drugz'n'whorez town!")
- money instead of caps (who releases them anyway?)
- pop-culture references gentle and smooth as Hammas warrior pissing on the Wailing Wall
- no dangers like radiaton or strong, challenging enemies, Frank Horrigan is a dumb pussy, especially with these turrets around
- "dying brahmins, sick children ...", yeah yeah, whatever granny, now get lost and let me go rape and pillage, I will find GECK somewhere, maybe
- "Village is good place, Enclave is bad place. Please, go and destroy bad place." sounds like "Americans for Americans"
- linearity (!!!) of main story, like in single player Quake - eliminate all hostile creatures, go back to base. You cannot choose anything here.
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Fallout 2 has better humour, only because I didn't saw much at all at F1.
It doesn't matter what you can buy, anyway you'll use only 1 gun, when I played F1, I found alien blaster, 1 shot 1 kill whole game, only killing master I used plasma rifle, because I needed more than 10 range to be able hit'n'step on one hex behind wall so he can't shoot me, and gatling for spawning mutants, because they ran in point blank. In Fallout 2 it's bozar for BG, gauss rifle for SG, YK[whatever] Pulse Rifle/Plasma Rifle for EW or how it called, armor means nothing, because whole game in Turn Based and it means you won't get hit, I was walking in jacket, because I didn't like other armors look like. So, items in Fallout means almost nothing anyway. In F1 you'll always have caps to spend on (library with infinite books but with high price), while in Fallout 2 stash coins whole game, but everything, except for gauss rifle you'll get not in shops, so what for do you need coins there, I don't know.
New Reno is the only normal town at F2, except for Den.
There're no challenging enemies at F1 or F2, if you're not wearing (A)PA or panties (or whatever) and allowing them to shoot at your in the end of turn. In most cases, because I had minimal EN and wear jacket whole game almost everyone could kill me in one turn, but they simply hadn't chance to shoot at me, because it's TB, so there will be no challenge in both series of Fallout.
The same in F1, Vault don't have water, find chip, bye.
Muties are angry, vault in danger, kill muties, thx, bye.
I glad that you kill overseer in the end, I wanted to do that myself, but he is damned invulnerable like GM. ^_^
Both Fallout about to kill, refardless if it's Fallout or Fallout 2.
Winston Wolf:
--- Quote from: RavenousRat on August 12, 2010, 06:25:21 pm ---Both Fallout about to kill, refardless if it's Fallout or Fallout 2.
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You can play both games without attacking a single creature.
--- Quote from: Winston Wolf on August 12, 2010, 07:00:14 pm ---You can play both games without attacking a single creature.
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Do you really think someone enjoyed playing Fallout by only clicking on dialogue options running around in bluesuit with 10 CH and tagged speech? I think there're better games than Fallout, as quests, where you need only click on different options.
--- Quote from: RavenousRat on August 12, 2010, 08:45:22 pm ---Do you really think someone enjoyed playing Fallout by only clicking on dialogue options running around in bluesuit with 10 CH and tagged speech? I think there're better games than Fallout, as quests, where you need only click on different options.
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Point n click adventar gamez yayzzz!!!
then try arcanum too, it's badass beyond words
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