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fallout 1 ,2 or 3 which is your favourite
Heckler Spray:
I don't want to reopen the "Fallout 1 vs Fallout 2 debate", but....
Yeah, Fallout 2 brought a lot of illogical and "quirky" things, but they were widely compensated by all the freedom and possibilities (choices, quests,...) in game. And they weren't that bad after all, in my opinion.
And what do you think about killap's Restoration Project, Lexx ?
Don't you think it fix some of those issues and bring some interesting content ?
Lexx got point ;D
Fallout 1's story was more intelligent and thoughtful, but the standard of dialogue (besides the superb talking heads) was poor. However, the world was infinitely more cohesive and things like gear progression and pacing a lot more balanced. I had so much fun just living in The Hub and doing caravan runs for the Far Go Traders and Crimson Caravans.
A lot of things were out of whack in F2, but the standard of actual writing was much higher. But that doesn't change the fact that the only towns I want to spend time in are Modoc, Klamath and the Den.
--- Quote from: Ned Logan on August 12, 2010, 02:24:08 pm ---Fallout 2, because I played it first, because it was funny (it had Harold!), had lots of freedom and I got into it more than Fallout 1 (also less bugs and you could play after the game ended (and wipe out the cities 8) ) with no patch).
--- End quote ---
You never played Fallout 1?
1 got harold too.
Once I wrote a bit about both F-games on polish board, let me translate it here:
F1 rox, ownz, rulz and whatever:
- Join! Die! Join! Die! and you can "join" if you like
- logical and coherent world, humanoids, animals, buildings etc.
- risk of being dehydrated, radiated, torn apart by deathclaw, slain by mutant's patrol and so on - this world won't let forget that player is a little dust, not two-legged tank
- 12. gauge "not for children under 3 years", unique .223 Pistol, ONLY two PA's, bottle caps, unique Tesla Armor
- darkness, fear, darkness - like in post-apo polish novel "Cassandra's Head", anytime somewhere an evil can rise and blow up whole world again
- only a few stupid ideas, and mostly because lack of time, not brain
- "my first time" was with F1
- no fancy-shmancy birdies and kiddies, no faggot Wild Wild West music
- "no water, no Vault", please hurry
F2 sux ass, because:
- rush is necessary only while catching fleas, not making large RPG
- "jokes" are "funny"
- few talking heads, but tons of useless "itanz"
- you can buy in a STORE items like PA, gauss guns, bozar (WTF is this anyway? sniper-big-gun-rifle-machine-gun?)
- storyline thin like Tesco's cashier salary
- whole bunch of teenage mastrubators worked on this part, some places, items or characters are looking like wet-dream-come-true
- New Reno ("OMG, drugz'n'whorez town!")
- money instead of caps (who releases them anyway?)
- pop-culture references gentle and smooth as Hammas warrior pissing on the Wailing Wall
- no dangers like radiaton or strong, challenging enemies, Frank Horrigan is a dumb pussy, especially with these turrets around
- "dying brahmins, sick children ...", yeah yeah, whatever granny, now get lost and let me go rape and pillage, I will find GECK somewhere, maybe
- "Village is good place, Enclave is bad place. Please, go and destroy bad place." sounds like "Americans for Americans"
- linearity (!!!) of main story, like in single player Quake - eliminate all hostile creatures, go back to base. You cannot choose anything here.
I didn't play F3.
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