Nyan, Nyan, Nyan, Nyan... How about actually trying out the actual FOnline, not the one thats living in your dreams. Looks like there is a large difference between them. A very large. Oh, and before i start, i agree with Floodnik, calling others kiddies witouth no real reason puts you yourself into the immature kiddy role. You fail at that already, this is the first thing that proves you're the kiddy here.
Anyway, about what you've said, i kind of really started wondering if you have ANY FOnline experience at all.
Two men siting in the middle of the desert for a week stealing one coin frome each other. That would NEVER EVER be exploited.
I see nothing wrong with giving experience from stealing off players; youre talking like you wouldnt know that you can actually get a fresh char to lvl 21 in one day. Some people i know have even gotten a lvl 21 char in 6 hours witouth any xp abuse, just killing high-xp creeps in wasteland.
And your emotional explosion about Floodniks suggestion is the second thing that shows that actually YOU are the immature kiddy here, Nyan.
Lets move along, shall we?
Jesus Christ kid, how did you find this game anyway? Did someone write the website on your Halo dvd?
I couldnt resist qouoting this: 3rd thing why you're kiddy. Following dumb stereotypes about some videogames completly unrelated to FOnline or the threads topic... But this isnt the reason ive posting this bash post.
This is:
First aid has 14 minutes cool-down and gives you triple the number of hit points healed exp. You healed 20hp you get 60exp. There is no possibility to exploit, you just, you just can't do it. Seriously. If someone would grind level 21 by hitting his mate and faing him every 14 minutes for maybe even 100 exp well, I'd salute him. Doctor skill has even bigger cooldown, gives less exp and is harder to perform.
I find it very ironic that you're throwing insults left and right to a guy that actually appears to know the game 20 times more than you do. Im not telling hes knowing the game good, im telling you, apparently, dont know a shit about FOnlines skill mechanics. With about 150 FA skill, wich is quite common, you have about 2 minute cooldown and heal about 120 average HP. Doctor skill has the same cooldown as FA, dear god... About 140 doc, or even 100 has not more than 4 minute cooldown, i think its about the same 2-3 minutes. Not gonna say nothing bout the doc xp, cant remember it.
Do your freaking homework kid.
Another senseless insult about Floodnik being a kid. Anyway, the homework needs to be done by someone else. You, Nyan.
I know you're not a kid, and im not calling you one but you just made an unerasable impression by acting like a 10 year old.
Think of what you say before you press ''Post''.
Your very dear friend,