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Author Topic: The World Ned (would have) Made  (Read 6181 times)

Ned Logan

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The World Ned (would have) Made
« on: August 10, 2010, 07:55:46 pm »

Priority is to have game which is fun to play, not realistic post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Things in green is what needs to be added/changed to achieve such world.

LVL 1:
You spawn at safe location with resources and guides to learn the necessary things.

LVL 1-20 loner style:
You level up doing many interesting quests, killing critters, mining and crafting yourself gear, if you get enough loot from hunting, you can sell it and buy yourself gear.
(if you are griefer you kill newbs and get gear from them)

LVL 1-20 multiplayer style:
You level up with friends doing many interesting quests, killing critters, mining and crafting yourself gear, if you get enough loot from hunting, you can sell it and buy yourself gear.
[this is currently not practical, because only the one who kills, gets exp, not the whole group]

(if you are griefers you kill newbs and get gear from them)

LVL 21:
You explore many interesting encounters, caves etc, do interesting quests, getting yourself gear from them.
You wait for events. You mine and craft yourself gear, but you shouldn't be forced to.
If you are griefer you kill newbs, if you are anti-greiver, you try to find and hunt griefers, secure mines etc.

Organised PvP:
Getting top gear on lvl 21 is matter of matter of minutes, not hours, so it is the best choice for a gang to have PvP fun.
The counter is 15 minutes.
The game user interface and battle system is made so the result of battle depends on skill, tactics, little of luck and unfortunately numbers.
PvP arena system, allowing duels between single players or gangs of approximately equal strength to duel and allow others to watch.

You can make players events, RPing.
Gathering and crafting cooldown doesn't exist. Every lvl 21 has ton of items, but so what, as long as the game is fun and 5 low end equiped lvl 5 guys can kill him in his top gear everything is ok.
You can take only 1 drug at a time.

Focus on RT combat, possibly even remove the TB altogether.
Integrate FT-like aimbot.
AP replenishing also during walk, during run too, but only half speed.
Flexible walk/run speed, modified by carry weight (30kg and less: full speed ... 150kg and more: half speed).
Possible to enter sneak anytime anywhere. (Sneak rebalanced)
Total weapons & armor rebalancing overhaul (Lordus' recent suggestion is good).
Maybe hard cap skills at 200 not 300.

Re-read again please, ignoring the added/modified stuff (green).
« Last Edit: August 12, 2010, 12:32:59 pm by Ned Logan »


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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2010, 08:09:35 pm »

Ok I can agree with pretty much all of this....  

more food for thought since Devs are too busy to bother with content atm, they gotta manage the 3D.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2010, 08:42:29 pm »

you can make it once the SDK pack comes out, there's been an announcement made a while ago, but the timing it would be release is set to "soon", it is actually Cvet who announced this, and it will come with optional TLA files, however, the 2238 files are exclusive to this server... so yeah, just putting it out there...
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1

Ned Logan

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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2010, 12:32:08 pm »

Also what I forgot to add because I was still thinking over:

Focus on RT combat, possibly even remove the TB altogether.
Integrate FT-like aimbot.
AP replenishing also during walk, during run too, but only half speed.
Flexible walk/run speed, modified by carry weight (30kg and less: full speed ... 150kg and more: half speed).
Possible to enter sneak anytime anywhere. (Sneak rebalanced)
Total weapons & armor rebalancing overhaul (Lordus' recent suggestion is good).
Maybe hard cap skills at 200 not 300.


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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2010, 12:34:47 pm »

The World that it never was :P
But anyway you could try..


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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2010, 12:37:04 pm »

Maybe hard cap skills at 200 not 300.

snipers will officialy be useless, because a biggunner needs about 180% skill to be useful whereas a sniper needs at least 250%  to be effective, that's the reason most snipers have crap skills in general and focus on not being in enemy LOS... say hello to waves of minigunners running about the server if it will have a skill cap at 200%, I'm on 215% skill and can't hit the enemy eyes with a handgun beyond 20 hexes at 95%, and eyeshots are all that matter for snipers...
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1


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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2010, 12:47:41 pm »

I have some time right now so I thought I'd comment.

Priority is to have game which is fun to play, not realistic post-apocalyptic wasteland.
First line, and yet I disagree. Yes, we all want the same thing, a game that is fun to play. However, I want a "realistic post-apocalyptic wasteland". Not too much realistic of course, but just enough to provide one thing that is too often forgotten - survival (And survival is often in "Realism" category when it comes to the wasteland). But... Survival can be fun ! I don't think we disagree that much here, but your sentence sounded like "We want munchkins not low-tech stuff" :p

You spawn at safe location with resources and guides to learn the necessary things.
Yes, that would be cool. Afaik, devs aren't opposed to a guide (=!= noob town) at beginning, but spawning with a few resources is some kind of new idea, and I like it.

You level up doing many interesting quests, killing critters, mining and crafting yourself gear, if you get enough loot from hunting, you can sell it and buy yourself gear.
(if you are griefer you kill newbs and get gear from them)
It seems close to what we have right now, or at least what we'll have in a few months (Quests contest shows it, for example).

You level up with friends doing many interesting quests, killing critters, mining and crafting yourself gear, if you get enough loot from hunting, you can sell it and buy yourself gear.
[this is currently not practical, because only the one who kills, gets exp, not the whole group]
As I said on another topic, shared exp is on devs' to-do list (which doesn't mean it'll be implemented soon) :p

The counter is 15 minutes.
Solar said it'll be like that on next update (Or did he say after next wipe ? Well anyway, it's planned).

The game user interface and battle system is made so the result of battle depends on skill, tactics, little of luck and unfortunately numbers.
Yes, I vote to remove instant kills too :/

Gathering and crafting cooldown doesn't exist. Every lvl 21 has ton of items, but so what, as long as the game is fun and 5 low end equiped lvl 5 guys can kill him in his top gear everything is ok.
Huh, no it's not. Having tons of items in a post-apocalyptic wasteland is a nonsense and leads to a not funny situation, where everyone has so much stuff that nothing has value. Ask PvPers if they have fun at the moment with being rich. Also, I personnaly dislike this, because of the survival thing I already explained at the beginning of my post.

Integrate FT-like aimbot.
Will be implemented asap, afaik (But it might be up to cvet).

AP replenishing also during walk, during run too, but only half speed.
Huh, even more advantages to attackers over defenders, and longer fights ? Not my cup of tea.

Possible to enter sneak anytime anywhere. (Sneak rebalanced)
Sneak is already quite good, no need to make everyone able to sneak anytime, anywhere.

Overall - Good ideas, nice and small changes that, unlike many other suggestions, are small enough to have a chance to be implemented, and wise enough to improve this game for everyone. Keep it up !
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2010, 01:05:26 pm »

. Ask PvPers if they have fun at the moment with being rich. Also, I personnaly dislike this, because of the survival thing I already explained at the beginning of my post.

 You dont realy get the point, aren't you? We have not fun not because of tons of stuff, but because current player - organized PvP (= Town control beacons) + drugs bad addict timeouts means, that we can fight 2 fights in more than hour, if we are LUCKY.

 I hope there are others GM or developers that can actualy recognize the worst problems in PvP.

 This is the reason why i left the game now, i have my own duties and i will rather spend one hour by wood choping (real wood) than die (or not) in one minute of one hour waiting fight.

 Izual, i exactly dont know if you have PvP experience, i can lend you my chars, drugs, stuff, mumble information, i will like to see, if you will enjoy PvP. I dont have anything agaisnt you personaly, but i dont like, if person who could change something in my favourite virtual world, does not recognize the problem (or listen to players who knows it). I know it, rest. of VSB (or Hawks) members too. We are here from the begining, from the start. It is not reason for aplaus, but we have experience with every kind of PvP that was here. I think that small number of players can say this, maybe few mushrooom boys. Because we and they had powerbuilds even in first era. Again, not reason to aplaus. But we can see that in PvP, until new sneak was implemented, is not developing.

 Power builds were invented, druged or non, and there is not any new space for inventing in the barirers of current system (special, skill points,...). We gave you respons, and you tell us, that problem is big amount of stuff... ehm
So long and THANKS for all the fish!

Ned Logan

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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2010, 01:20:04 pm »

First line, and yet I disagree. Yes, we all want the same thing, a game that is fun to play. However, I want a "realistic post-apocalyptic wasteland". Not too much realistic of course, but just enough to provide one thing that is too often forgotten - survival (And survival is often in "Realism" category when it comes to the wasteland). But... Survival can be fun ! I don't think we disagree that much here, but your sentence sounded like "We want munchkins not low-tech stuff" :p
Heh yeah, I know what you mean. I wan't some sort of "realism" and survival atmosphere too, but I still like firing minigun when standing, be able to withstand 3 eyeshots (with luck) etc...

Huh, no it's not. Having tons of items in a post-apocalyptic wasteland is a nonsense and leads to a not funny situation, where everyone has so much stuff that nothing has value. Ask PvPers if they have fun at the moment with being rich. Also, I personnaly dislike this, because of the survival thing I already explained at the beginning of my post.
Yes, but is should not be so frustrating to get your gear just to have some PvP fun as it is now - that is my reason for such suggestion, I would be glad if it was solved somehow more realistically related to the fallout world.

Huh, even more advantages to attackers over defenders, and longer fights ? Not my cup of tea.
Currently the fights are like this: a gang is holding position somewhere, scout warns them of incoming enemies. pew pew pew. there are the victors standing in the same position as when the fight started, the rest lies on the ground dead (same positions).
Regaining AP during walk and run combined with different speeds of BG tanks, snipers and sneakers would bring a lot of fresh air into battles and their tactics - changing positions, retreat etc. Currently the best is just to hold your ground or run away instantly as you see the enemy.

Sneak is already quite good, no need to make everyone able to sneak anytime, anywhere.
I meant you shouldn't have to go hide away from your team just to enter sneak so the enemy can't see you.


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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2010, 01:27:11 pm »

Currently the fights are like this: ...
Regaining AP during walk and run combined with different speeds of BG tanks, snipers and sneakers would bring a lot of fresh air into battles and their tactics - changing positions, retreat etc. Currently the best is just to hold your ground or run away instantly as you see the enemy.

I meant you shouldn't have to go hide away from your team just to enter sneak so the enemy can't see you.
Currently, the fights mechanics are just fine. Sometimes its best to stand, sometimes you take cover behind the wall to regain APs, sometimes you run. Ragained aps and different speed would need much balancing with uncertain result and I thik the devs shoul be concentrating on filling the game up with content.

As for sneak, you dont have to hide from your team, just have them all to tag you and there ya go-you can sneak in front of them.


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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2010, 01:38:03 pm »

Currently, the fights mechanics are just fine. Sometimes its best to stand, sometimes you take cover behind the wall to regain APs, sometimes you run. Ragained aps and different speed would need much balancing with uncertain result and I thik the devs shoul be concentrating on filling the game up with content.

As for sneak, you dont have to hide from your team, just have them all to tag you and there ya go-you can sneak in front of them.

 Bantz, i dont agree with you. Mechanics are fine but almost same like in eras before. Snipers at longe range with their one shot crit, big gunners bursters into close combat. Nothing between (sneakers are not pure PvP chars). From my point of view: booring
So long and THANKS for all the fish!


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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2010, 01:39:36 pm »

Total weapons & armor rebalancing overhaul (Lordus' recent suggestion is good).

And then you get threads like this from other PvPers:

There is no need for a total overhaul. I don't agree that there needs to be nothing either though ;)

As for the rest, all those things we've said we're doing/intend to do I agree with. The rest ... I don't :)
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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2010, 01:43:49 pm »

Sniper got too much range and power (eyeshot 100 mininum)
Big Guns just shoot one time with minigun and everyone else down in encounter and also one rocket launcher shot to center of guys and do bad damage :P
Energy weapons attacks to metal armors are useless (if you can make eyeshot then it can be better)
Plasma Granades are just too powerful. Few nades to center of guys in NCR and they are dead.


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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2010, 01:52:31 pm »

Ah, I didn't realise this was the thread of hyperbole. My mistake.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.

Ned Logan

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Re: The World Ned (would have) Made
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2010, 02:01:21 pm »

Ah, I didn't realise this was the thread of hyperbole. My mistake.
I don't know if you are referring to the comment of runboy93 or the whole thread, but I mean my suggestion seriously, no hyperbole.
Currently there is 1 SG, 2 BG and 1 energy weapons in use in main PvP battles (P90 and laser rifle aren't really good enough).
Weapons need balancing - specific effects for various guns (knockback, add temporary 1sec blinding next to real blinding) and and maybe even smaller differences in damage. See my suggestion about XL70 - there should be more weapons for different scenarios to use, not just 1 best gun for each class and the rest being secondary crap for sale.
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