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Author Topic: Hub Roleplay - Problems  (Read 13992 times)


  • Rat Shaman
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Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #45 on: January 12, 2010, 11:43:57 pm »

I am NOT quoting anyone, but I'm gonna say it AGAIN: let's keep focused on the topic. Lena's posts are not pertinent to the betterment of the Roleplay Project in the Hub: she's derailing the thread and changing the topic, and thus her posts must be removed unless she comes up with something productive. Let us NOT feed the troll, mmkay?

Also, to reinforce my position, I extracted the Hub laws from the RP project here:
Hub laws

These laws have been decided by the project leaders. They are additional laws to the normal guarded towns ones (do not steal/attack someone, or block the path). Police officers (players) have to make them effective... And it can be by killing the outlaw, or escorting him to the jail or out of the city.
    * No Big Guns/Energy Weapons (Small Energy Weapons are allowed) in your active hand, except for defending yourself. Showing up with a Minigun, a Light Support Weapon or a Laser Rifle is not a good idea this lawful city.
    * Selling or speaking of drugs publicly will make the police officers furious. Try to keep words to a whisper when talking about drugs, or you could be sent to the Hub's jail.
Already approved laws, and already disrespected. We must include new laws here, or scrape these two altogether under the grounds of "unable to comply with". We can't count on the goodwill of the entire playerbase, knowing some of the elements that pester it. I suggest adding to that list explosives and grenades, I suggest entrance checkpoints to reinforce such laws, and with the mainpower maintained by the Hub, it sure is realistic.

I suggest we increase this with my suggestions of the first post, and begin reinforcing the two above with automated features.

EDIT:  In my playthrough I've been noticing some significant improvings, and I thank the Devs for this. Let's keep a good watch on the project to see how it goes.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 01:19:13 am by Arminius »
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2010, 01:53:34 am »

Yes sure a bug. You shot a guy and me. You claim there was flagging, too bad it was not like that.

Anyone else shooting to people would get killed instantly by Deputy Prick, but not you.

Until someone records your actions by film, it is most likely the admins here will still play die hard believers, they just can't believe a GM may be doing anything wrong.
just because we play a post-apocalyptic game doesn't mean we have to accept to see people insulting us of jews.
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2010, 02:11:24 am »

I dont understand this whole thread.Im sorry for anyone who suffers with the senseless bombers but RPing in the HUB doesnt make anyone special.If you want special gaurds then they should be in NCR and every other gaurded town.Fonline is very incomplete right now and i dont think it was meant to be played this way.Maybe its time to turn the gaurded towns into truly safe places meant for trade and role play.No more guns and no more bombs.Anyone who is truly intersted in PvP will just go to the northern towns instead of taking advantage of exploits in the gaurded towns.Lets face it folks,gaurds are meant to protect but more often than not they prevent you from killing the ones you know are about to kill you.Outlaw these tactics in all gaurded towns or leave it alone.the HUB isnt special,these issues apply to any "safe" town.As far as all this admin abuse bullshit is concerned,prove it because saying it over and over doesnt make it truth.I dont even understand why Izual even responds to any of it,your the GM so let them talk because you dont have to answer to any of them,and it only provokes them to post more shit.


  • Rat Shaman
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Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #48 on: January 13, 2010, 02:27:54 am »

I dont understand this whole thread.Im sorry for anyone who suffers with the senseless bombers but RPing in the HUB doesnt make anyone special.If you want special gaurds then they should be in NCR and every other gaurded town.Fonline is very incomplete right now and i dont think it was meant to be played this way.Maybe its time to turn the gaurded towns into truly safe places meant for trade and role play.No more guns and no more bombs.Anyone who is truly intersted in PvP will just go to the northern towns instead of taking advantage of exploits in the gaurded towns.Lets face it folks,gaurds are meant to protect but more often than not they prevent you from killing the ones you know are about to kill you.Outlaw these tactics in all gaurded towns or leave it alone.the HUB isnt special,these issues apply to any "safe" town.As far as all this admin abuse bullshit is concerned,prove it because saying it over and over doesnt make it truth.I dont even understand why Izual even responds to any of it,your the GM so let them talk because you dont have to answer to any of them,and it only provokes them to post more shit.

I hope I'm not going as far as telling the minds of the devs, but I believe that currently the Hub serves as a beta for the beta. Like a testing of all possible features RPing towns could entail. Of course, it must be tested in smaller amounts before, so we have a better control group and better feedback. What we're discussing here could affect the future of the whole of FOnline if it works in the Hub. As well as if it doesn't work.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 02:29:51 am by Arminius »


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Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #49 on: January 13, 2010, 02:49:01 am »

Until someone records your actions by film, it is most likely the admins here will still play die hard believers, they just can't believe a GM may be doing anything wrong.
You may think you are correct.

But you're not.
Quote from: Zogra

ARWH. Scummers to the end.
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #50 on: January 13, 2010, 08:18:13 am »

It's much easier to make a faked video than to fake server logs. Lena sucks at reasoning :P.
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #51 on: January 13, 2010, 08:21:06 am »

again this here? lol peaple u have health
Well who you think im after now, bitch? Run, mother  f*cka, run...


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Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #52 on: January 13, 2010, 09:10:25 am »

and it only provokes them to post more shit.

There are some rules on forums. Problem is that staff isn't really interested in forcing them. Certain players got mental issues and perhaps shouldn't be testing/playing this game.

@Tyler to whole post
Those changes that are currently made to security system in Hub might expand to other towns if they will actually work. At least I hope so because making Hub too safe city will bring not only RP'ers there.
One more thing: I bet you didn't notice that with every update devs were adding more and more guards to NCR/VC due to possible exploits and weren't interested in Hub at all.
"Sanity... is for the weak!"
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