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Author Topic: Hub Roleplay - Problems  (Read 13973 times)


  • Rat Shaman
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Hub Roleplay - Problems
« on: January 12, 2010, 12:32:20 am »

There's been a project for roleplaying in the Hub driven mostly by a few admins, who was going fairly well. Sectors of the Hub's society gained life by the hands of skilled roleplayers, and the interactions between such facets of society make the gameplay all the richer. It's beginning of course, but if well played and thought we could have a good place.

But, wherever go new players, griefers always follow.

The project is good, but for realistic roleplay to be enforced things have to change. It's not realistic for suicide bombers so often and willingly begin blowing up places into pieces, and returning again with new bombs. This can't be considered RP, it's not realistic and disrupts the possibility of playing other roles.

-We need tighter controls in the Hub: stuff like permaflagging after suicide-bombing, checkpoints where guards review the inventory of other guys looking for high-end weapons and grenades-explosives.This widespread dissemination of advanced weaponry is not realistic in a wasteland universe, and must not be tolerated within a Roleplay town.
-We need empowered players: either Players must be guarded by NPC's henchmen at the selling points, or have special policing powers. Make a sort of Hub militia to prevent further disruptions.

I wouldn't be annoyed if this happened in some meant-to-be PVP town like Modoc or Klamath or even Broken Hills. The whole issue here it's that it happened in a guarded city, and that suicide bombers suck the benefits of guarded cities. It's like PVP-ers from a PVP wow server managed to enter a non-PVP server and wreck hell there.

This game concept, so I understand, is meant to please everyone, and thus guarded cities must be made safe. Suicide bombers are not realistic here: they lose almost nothing here, while in real life they lose everything. And roleplaying is about playing a role: the role of a suicide bomber is not dying as many times as he can. He gets to die once, if he's not even caught before by guards.

I understand that the concept of this game is not RP-focused, I understand that the game is for everyone. But for fuck sake, we went to the HUB. Before us, the Hub was fucking empty. Nobody wanted to enter the Hub before us. Nobody's turf. Doesn't matter, people still follow you and not out of any interest, legitimate gaming goal, be it power-attaining or not. It's simply ingame trolling, and it shouldn't be tolerated.

I hope my arguments get through and I hope someone is able to help us here. Devs can't be online 24/7, but hell shouldn't break lose when they're offline. There must be something we can do to put a tombstone in suicide bombing, literally and metaphorically.


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Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2010, 12:38:48 am »

It's impossible to tell the difference between a suicide bomber and someone who got a bomb into his inventory via stealing skill. But beside this, it is already the case that a suicide bomber has a much longer respawn timer.
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 12:45:25 am »

Ill say something tomorrow.

[edit by Atom] Q: Why didn't I delete this post? A: For this warning to be read and understood.
I understand. It wasnt a good move, to reply this way. Sorry/
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 03:38:37 pm by Wire »
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irc V_guessWho


  • Rat Shaman
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Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 12:51:12 am »

It's impossible to tell the difference between a suicide bomber and someone who got a bomb into his inventory via stealing skill. But beside this, it is already the case that a suicide bomber has a much longer respawn timer.
Not always the case. Also, the 24 hour flag does not always work. Abdullah bombed twice on the same day. Some others just bring in grenade alts. It's unbearable, and must be dealt with definitely. They shouldn't even be allowed the time to plant stuff: right at city's entrance, they should be checked for explosives and if positive the result they should be jailed/killed. At least in a legitimate RP town, otherwise this stuff will keep happening and RP will lose all its fun.
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2010, 12:57:47 am »

I was roleplaying the other day in the Maltese Falcon under the name of Mutated Toe when a suicide bomber came in and blew himself up while i was having a drink at the bar. I thought it was hilarious and roleplayed right along with it. You see just before he blew up I had just asked the barkeep to give me a triple shot of his strongest stuff. He had just handed it over when KABOOOM! I was knocked clear across the room from the bar by the blast! As I layed there recovering from the knock down I exclaimed "What a kick!" and got up went back to the bar and told the barkeep "Man that was some powerful stuff you gave me, hand me over another my good man!" lol. it was great!  Out of all my roleplaying experience that is surely going to stick out in my memory forever.

EDIT: I just remembered what happened after that. Someone came in saying they were Canadian. The barkeep apparently had a bad experience with Cannadians at some point because he all of a sudden ran amok all over the place like a crazy man screaming "CANADIANS!!! AAAAAGHHHHH!!!!" And finally after settling down he said he was quitting as bartender. So I yelled "FREE BOOZE!" and went behind the counter. Then some rough looking characters came up to the bar asking for a drink. So I started serving the drinks. All of a sudden I was bartender, lol. Then a friend came in and found me behind the bar and said "Damn Toe, I thought you were dead!" I was starting to feel the itch for some action again so I took off my apron and said "I quit too!" and my partner and I took off on another hunting trip in the wasteland.  Ah... good times... :)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 01:23:16 am by Tennessee »


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Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2010, 01:00:34 am »

What I personally find much more interesting is the fact that someone takes it up to bomb one, two or three people in the Hub instead of many many people in the NCR. Look's like this isn't funny anymore.
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2010, 01:01:19 am »

They shouldn't even be allowed the time to plant stuff: right at city's entrance, they should be checked for explosives and if positive the result they should be jailed/killed. At least in a legitimate RP town, otherwise this stuff will keep happening and RP will lose all its fun.

that is a good idea like in fallout 2 when u was tryin take booze to vault city the guard npc was active in that mater (ok i dont tryied it here) but that is a way
Well who you think im after now, bitch? Run, mother  f*cka, run...


  • Rat Shaman
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Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2010, 01:19:19 am »

I was roleplaying the other day in the Maltese Falcon under the name of Mutated Toe when a suicide bomber came in and blew himself up while i was having a drink at the bar. I thought it was hilarious and roleplayed right along with it. You see just before he blew up I had just asked the barkeep to give me a triple shot of his strongest stuff. He had just handed it over when KABOOOM! I was knocked clear across the room from the bar by the blast! As I layed there recovering from the knock down I exclaimed "What a kick!" and got up went back to the bar and told the barkeep "Man that was some powerful stuff you gave me, hand me over another my good man!" lol. it was great!  Out of all my roleplaying experience that is surely going to stick out in my memory forever.

You're gonna love it when it happens over and over until it's no longer funny. Sure, I had a blast with the first guy, going all like "WHO THE HELL GONNA CLEAN THIS MESS NOW? I HATE MY JOB!" But right now it's lost all the fun, when bombers powergame up to you just ruining the whole roleplaying. I'm gonna continue playing, but let's see how it'll go now. If it reaches the point of being unbearable, I don't see the point of trying a RP town then.
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2010, 01:25:00 am »

Yeah I see your point, you spent a lot more time in there than I did. I only saw it happen once. So I do sympathize. Why not just ban the abusers IPs?
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2010, 01:28:43 am »

Why not just ban the abusers IPs?

i really dont think GMs start doing that  :(
Well who you think im after now, bitch? Run, mother  f*cka, run...


  • Rat Shaman
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Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2010, 02:04:32 am »

Yeah I see your point, you spent a lot more time in there than I did. I only saw it happen once. So I do sympathize. Why not just ban the abusers IPs?

Their whole point is that they risk banning innocent players who might have suffered a bomb planting by one of these bombers. But that's why I suggested the whole checkpoint idea: single entrance to the Hub, you get checked for illegal armaments and if you've got them, you're either jailed, banned for a day, killed, IP banned, etc.

Actually, IP ban is very difficult to do, with most IP's being dynamic nowadays and all.
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2010, 02:26:17 am »

Oh i see. The jail idea sounds cool. Maybe we could get sold into slavery for a day or something. Or while in jail, or where the slaves are kept, we could make attempts to break out, or friends could try to break us out. It would make for some interesting game play. But I guess it is supposed to be a punishment and not just another way to have fun, lol. Hmm, we could have roleplayer NPCs played by mods/gms who run the jail and the punnished character can talk with them while they do their time. :)
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2010, 02:35:23 am »

checkpoint idea: single entrance to the Hub, you get checked for illegal armaments and if you've got them, you're either jailed, banned for a day, killed, IP banned, etc.

I think it's a good solution, and  should be implemented in all guarded towns.

In addiotion to that... it would also be good if all illegal armaments (bombs) would be tradable only in unguarded towns

Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2010, 02:37:49 am »

Two bombs in 24 hours and you're already crying.
I got killed 3 times for no reason by admin and his friends in one day.

How's that for role play? Blah. We need shooting cooldown, 1 shot per 2 minutes.
just because we play a post-apocalyptic game doesn't mean we have to accept to see people insulting us of jews.
Re: Hub Roleplay - Problems
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2010, 03:22:50 am »

Lena, I think bombing a town is a good reason to be killed

you like blowing people up, but you don't like it when they hunt you down later huh ?  ;)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 03:26:00 am by Vindict »
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