Other > Suggestions

Future of Stealing

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O freakin' K! Time for some golden ideas.

Remove the skill cooldown. Create personal cooldowns based on players PE. When caught, victims cooldown is triggered so that she/he is totally aware of the fact that there is a thief scum somewhere around and is watching his back carefully. When any thief tries to steal from a person with this thing ON she/he automatically says something like 'Keep your sexy underage pretty female hands off my precious items you thief scum person Nyan!' and the skill is canceled, also... - That's the first part. It will hopefully protect people from being spammed with steal attempts and hopefully thieves will try to steal just few items in order not to get caught. There will be no need to run all the time while being in a city. The cooldown might be something like PE minutes.

... also if there is a guard within 15 hexes he reacts and starts walking forward the thief. There will be no shooting for anyone. If the guard catches the thief, all of her/his items are taken OR she/he must pay XXX and then goes to jail for few hours. This is a second idea. I guess that people in command of guarded towns are civilized enough to deal with thievery in a non violent way. Thieves can also escape after the guards try to catch them but then they must wait jailtime/4 amount of time or the guards will still be on them. Second idea. Comment them separately.

how come noone comments those marvelous ideas D:

guards should kill thiefs when they get caught period other than that i think its good

killing is ghey, we need more roleplaying and less slaughter period

Ned Logan:

--- Quote from: Nyan on August 18, 2010, 03:17:14 am ---killing is ghey, we need more roleplaying and less slaughter period

--- End quote ---
I agree, I think we should be able to tie thieves up when they are unconscious, and then hang them on the gallows.


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