Other > Suggestions

Town caravans fight each other

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All caravans are too easy (well SF gives something challence, but anyway)
Just rocket or two or "nice" minigun burst and anyone die.

General AI improvements would help allot, instead of firing at the guy that looks funny they should attempt to cripple the hand of the guy with a minigun that's about to burst them. besides that, why do SFC gaurds have 80 hp? give them 200, they are using heavy weaponry after all.  An another issue is the caravan gaurds that don't use their weapons properly, I've seen SFC gaurds rushing to me with combat knifes while they had a combat shotgun in their inventory.

I also think SFC gaurds should wear an ocassional rocket launcher, those are perfect to ruin your day. or give them boosted stats (like some of them using drugs like jet)
Players often buff up with jet and such, why can't they?

Edit: oh yes, an another issue is that most NPC's are easy to defeat if you simply cripple their hands. This is how most people defeat things like enclave patrols or BoS patrols, just cripple their hands and they don't pose a threat anymore.
This is easily fixable, give them a sidearm! simple sidearms are fine, a deagle or a 10mm pistol. Or perhaps even a needler. This way they remain a threat even after they lose an arm.

Yes, NPCs hit points is something I regularly harass the devs with. Most of New Reno NPCs have about 80hp, and you got a point talking about caravans. Hell, NPCs of these encounters should win 100% of times against outnumbered enemies. Boosting their stats is, I think, ways easier than boosting their AI.

Why would Caravans (which are meant for trading/guarding the merchant)  fight a "war" to other towns?
Also. Each (or most of the towns) are dependant of other towns, what town A doesn't have, town B exports it to them. Pretty idiotic move to pull a war then if you ask me.


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on August 08, 2010, 01:52:07 pm ---Why would Caravans (which are meant for trading/guarding the merchant)  fight a "war" to other towns?
Also. Each (or most of the towns) are dependant of other towns, what town A doesn't have, town B exports it to them. Pretty idiotic move to pull a war then if you ask me.

--- End quote ---
Yet it still happens in RL....  ::)


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