Other > Suggestions

Town caravans fight each other

(1/5) > >>

What if every month in game time there was a chance that two cities would go to war with each other; probably over some sort of political debate or trade disagreement. So that once a war was initiated the caravans would be hostile to each other in the wasteland. To help prevent abuse, the caravans that are at war become hostile to all players (unless idolized or w.e) assuming their some sort of "NCR spy" if you know what I mean. With that in place players would have to ultimately take out both caravans in order to loot everything.

I'm sure it could do other things, but maybe it might be fun to change your hunting habits every in game month depending on wasteland politics?

Good idea? Bad idea?

So you enter the encounter, watch, kill the remaining fighter and loot everybody ?


--- Quote from: Izual on August 08, 2010, 10:09:37 am ---So you enter the encounter, watch, kill the remaining fighter and loot everybody ?

--- End quote ---

no real difference from encounter of caravan vs. raiders, or caravan vs. some critters... you can do the same... but still I am not supporting this idea....

Except that in caravans vs raiders, raiders lose. And they don't have LSW.

Imo there are better ways to improve caravans.

im sure theres some way to possibly balance it out maybe make them a special encounter only possible a few times every in game month

i just think it adds a little atmosphere and life to the wasteland but hey its just an idea


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