Other > Suggestions
Town caravans fight each other
It's not a bad idea, your thread is just victim to ignorant people just looking for a kindle to flame.
But there should definitely be some quests in relation to these wars.
Yep, everyone not agreeing with the OPs opinion is willing to flame and ignorant. ::)
Obviously, who is actually fighting would have to be determined, but there are some possibilities. As to the issue of waiting for the battle to end, killing the stragglers, and taking all the loot, why wouldn't one side retreat after it becomes clear they're going to lose? This would at least reduce the massive amount of loot coming out of these encounters.
To add more depth, if you choose to enter an encounter and help one side to win, your reputation with that group would increase, and they'd leave some of the loot for you, but not all of it. Something like 1 weapon, 20% of available ammo for that weapon, and anything the winning side wouldn't want that's left over (f.e. VC probably wouldn't be picking up combat knives, rocks, bb guns, and things like that. Or they could just leave you a random 10-30% of the items.
Some rather lovely and completely canon encounters:
Caravans in general vs. Mobsters, Raiders (lame and BFBunch), Rougues, Crazies, Highwaymen (should be upgraded Mad Max style, because I say so).
V.C. Patrol vs. Anything mutie, ghoulie, raidy, mobsy, badassy. Not slavers because Lynette is a dirty lass.
B.O.S. vs. Anything evil or so (pherhaps they should kill some innocents for controversy's sake?)
Enclave Patrol vs. Anything? They're evil, remember.
Junktown Scouts/ N.C.R. Rangers/ vs. Evil.
It hasn't been throughly emphazised that the postapocalyptic world might be devastated but it's not lacking population. Cities without enough NPCs do not favor this perspective. But yes, it is a fairly inhabited coast and it is some friggin' violent territory. Not like there's not a night without teh kapowies, but every week or so you can hear them raiders striking fear into them comunities. Not to mention the other greater factions. These combat situations should take place in order to make the game more diverse, and they should not be an easy situation to survive single handedly. Game dynamics might not be ready for such scenarios, but these are the expected realities of the wasteland.
The bloody weed is bloody turf / the bloody speed is bloody SURF / the bloody folks are bloody daft / don't make me bloody laugh / it bloody hurts to look around / everywhere in chicken town.
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