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Author Topic: Permament Death Era  (Read 8735 times)


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Permament Death Era
« on: August 06, 2010, 09:00:53 pm »

Niewiarygodne, wy ciągle rozmawiacie na temat permanentej śmierci ludzika. Czekam na odważnego który z tym pomysłem wypłynie na szerokie morza Sugesstions ;D ;D ;D

No to sie doczekałeś

Hello! My suggestion is quite simple and change the game mode over 720 degrees.

Nowdays there are many people with 21 lvl alts [xx], bases are full of staff and more and more people are losing the interest in game. Why? becouse collecting 100 golden geckons, 10/100/1000/10000 items/caps/shits is interesting when lead to something, but what is the purpse of doing it when you got almost everything? You are like God = Powerfull and powerless in the same time.

Premament Death Era shouldn't be hard to set ingame <deleteself after death or just like in quest [end=0] [if die then end=+1] [end=1 then delete character]>

What would the PDE look like? what would change in general gameplay? And why we might want to give this mode a chance?[there wasnt any PDE kind era as far as i know].

- Overwhelming death, each xp would be priceless, every each travel could be the last one in our character live
 -Quest will become more interesting for players, since they would be quite easy and save way to earn xp
- Teamplay will become more and more needet for anyone that want to survive
- Game becomes extremly Harsh but interesting in the same time - hunger of victory/revange [until he gives up :p]
- Rewards from events and events themself becomes more "interesting for players" since h tech items would be hard to craft and even harder to keep
- No fucking lvl protection [at any lvl!]
- TC will most probalby die becouse soon or later some gang will overpower all others. however.. "top players" becomes "top targets". No1 would be safe. People loves heroes! Even more! People loves to watch as heroes dies!
- There will be other sport discipline - Fighting for resource that will become more violent that you could eaver image!
- Amount of players with 30 miniguns/mk armors/10k ammo will go down, less h tech equipment [harder for crafters to lvl up] and in the same time alts will not be as much help as they are now [guess why :]]
-non combat characters [i mean not pure fighters] could at last try to make some stand becouse PDE will create a balance between a "pure killer"  and "cautious player". What do i mean? PK would aim for reaching 21 lvl asap, but less combat characters will think about getting gear so on battlefield there would happend situation when higher lvl will got worst gear and eventually die.
- Head hunters rise!
- The balance of weapons will change. Sg will be more popular since they are easier to obtain [cheaper] and number of tank characters [bg] will decrease since they are harder to rise but in the same time if some bg will be able to rise to 21 lvl he might be proud of himself. Somewhere on other side of galactic would be EE.
- New ways of fighting! Aim for the gang leader to destroy enemy organization, aim for the crafters, miners, slay top player with kamikaze attack of 1 lvl bluesuit... Make them lost everything! Make them suffer! Make them cry!

I do know that many people will say that this is a "baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad" idea, but i would love to hear an nice answers on question "why?". Look at PDE as a other mode of 2238, harder, more violent but it would bring a purpse even if you reach 21 lvl - hero or villain? Good or evil? Creation or Destruction? Only one thing would be sure... Imo PDE is worth of trying just for one era, little change with big effect on gameplay.

Death await for us all, will we give her a chance?

@Sorry for my english@
Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2010, 09:02:23 pm »

Unfortunately was already declined =(


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Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2010, 09:03:41 pm »

Unfortunately was already declined =(

Then i miss something... But there is a little change that dev's will change their mind :<


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Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2010, 09:04:10 pm »

Unfortunately was already declined =(
yeah,is veary, sad, i prefer getting told:"All items down or DIE" than to get killed whit no call appel
Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2010, 09:09:26 pm »

May be atleast "Iron Man" mode when creating a character? ^_^
1 life, no level cap.


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Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2010, 09:09:56 pm »

well, we all know what will happen... perma death server will be polish/russian only in a short time :P
there will be even more PKing and game will be impossible for any other chars than fighters... balancing fighters with crafters by permadeath is bullshit, because crafter even with better equip stands no real chance against fighting build... and the game will be ruled by grenadiers even more, and this really sucks...
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D


  • Zmikundik
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Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2010, 09:10:52 pm »

Stupid suggestion, your pros are ridiculous  ::). You would like to turn this game into SimExp, when everyone is endlessly exping their character(s). Honestly, who the **** likes that ?
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing


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Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2010, 09:12:00 pm »

well, we all know what will happen... perma death server will be polish/russian only in a short time :P
there will be even more PKing and game will be impossible for any other chars than fighters... balancing fighters with crafters by permadeath is bullshit, because crafter even with better equip stands no real chance against fighting build... and the game will be ruled by grenadiers even more, and this really sucks...

Why? There will not be so many "pure" crafters and fighters - death from the hand of npc happends

Stupid suggestion, your pros are ridiculous  ::). You would like to turn this game into SimExp, when everyone is endlessly exping their character(s). Honestly, who the **** likes that ?

You mean xping a character in 12h to 21 lvl? ya no1 likes it and even more, you could die that way!


  • Zmikundik
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Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2010, 09:15:44 pm »

People want to have fun, I dont see nothing funny in exping characters.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2010, 09:17:17 pm »

People want to have fun, I dont see nothing funny in exping characters.
Why do you want to fight 21st level character?
Make a character, get 150% skill, grab a gun, go and kill someone, if he is 21st level... well he'll die someday, so who cares? You're avaible to kill people on 1st level at this game, you don't have to be 21st. Noob fight is much more interesting.


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Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2010, 09:19:42 pm »

Maybe other idea: If you've been killed, you will be banned for 24 hours.
Polskie Pustkowia
Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2010, 09:20:09 pm »

Maybe other idea: If you've been killed, you will be banned for 24 hours.
Alts, alts, alts, alts, relog.


  • Zmikundik
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Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2010, 09:22:17 pm »

Why do you want to fight 21st level character?
Make a character, get 150% skill, grab a gun, go and kill someone, if he is 21st level... well he'll die someday, so who cares? You're avaible to kill people on 1st level at this game, you don't have to be 21st. Noob fight is much more interesting.
Yeah, but noob fight is totally unbalanced, because you cant know what lvl your foe has. Moreover, with this suggestion, only few players would use tier 2+ items, restricting gameplay even more.
Maybe other idea: If you've been killed, you will be banned for 24 hours.
I kinda like this, even with alts, it makes sense.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 09:24:13 pm by Sarakin »
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing


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Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2010, 09:23:49 pm »

Alts, alts, alts, alts, relog.


And remember, this is world is dying, it is after nuclear war so dont you think that there are just to many guys with top gear? Too many bases with too many items? You killed dude with ba, minigun nad 1k ammo... and he is just laughing in your face becouse in base he got 10x more or he got XX alts that can craft him his items back in the metter of hours. One of reasons why barter between players is based on drugs/ammo/rare items...

Yeah, but noob fight is totally unbalanced, because you cant know what lvl your foe has. Moreover, with this suggestion, only few players would use tier 2+ items, restricting gameplay even more.

Life is not balanced, and SG [i mean shotguns, 10 mm] are just crushed by bg right now. However fight between sg and bg [not on 21 kvks] may bring some interesting results.
Re: Permament Death Era
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2010, 09:23:54 pm »

Yeah, but noob fight is totally unbalanced, because you cant know what lvl your foe has. Moreover, with this suggestion, only few players would use tier 2+ items, restricting gameplay even more.
Don't know why they will use high tier equipment less often... really don't know why, but even if it's as you're saying, that it's even better! Fighting with 10mm pistols and throwing spears and wear jacket is real Fallout ^_^
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