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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: World character sugesstion  (Read 1496 times)

Billy Carter

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World character sugesstion
« on: July 31, 2010, 07:23:02 am »

First of all i want to thanks all gamedevelopers, you really make a great work. I got real fun when play, your got real great ideas i lov to watch how you develop your game., But, well.. in some point i think you where force by some type of gamers and typ of gaming  (i mean pvp fanatics) to keep make some kind of... bad changes. In a forum, for example, when someone start asking some questions, always appears gruop of players and they say a Great Phrase: "Its a harsh world". And that always ends all discussions. But :) there is a one big, totally inlogical thing in that kind of thinking. THAT GAME IS NOT ABOUT TOTAL DOOM AND KILLING IN A WASTLAND BUT ABOUT A HARSH - LIVING - IN A WASTELAND :). Peoples in Fallout 1 and 2 there. They got jobs, farms, society, fabrics, goverments and all that stuff. Only players keep killing and killing each other.They just reduce they own population to zero allready. They all just dead :), No any live after, we blow up our Second Chance, and all die :) No any suvirvals. Just keep replicating. By exaple: lets take community's in game - Bases and clans (ok gang, but we now what that really is). All for killing. But why not some villiges, small towns, farms, gouvermant bases and houses too :) They could actually live there - craft, try farm something, hunt (play gangs with bases too i m not a crybear). There will be more capabilities  to create something more then only pvp. Well, it was fun three years ago, but all of them still just killing each other :) Well, thats i m sorry - just childish and kind a poor imagination. We got all this great sandbox world (and it gettin bigger with all does new update features) and all they just want to do is a killing. :P If you not gonna change that kind of attidude, nobody will.  Please stop hearing does guys, stop make updates for them with all does fight adjustmets. They just gonna keep finding and using new exploits, kill everthing what moves, blow game for a parts and then get bored. And go away. (well to be honest sometimes i m going away too from oppositte reasons, but they get, want they want and they still ar bored, and people like me dont get too much and still coming back :), always are soldiers and thinkers :) ) I now what the Fallout game was and still is, i can kill and fight, there are Riders an BoS there. Peace and war. But i now what the Fallout game is. ;) So...

And sorry for english, i m litlle bit rusty :)
« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 09:34:49 am by Billy Carter »
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Re: World character sugesstion
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2010, 09:09:32 am »

+1,this game is about survival,not killing


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Re: World character sugesstion
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2010, 07:53:40 pm »

Killing is a part of survival. Kill or be killed.
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Re: World character sugesstion
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2010, 11:56:37 am »

part, but not all, i already sugested such stuff milion times but nobody listen me, it dont have any chance to get into the game, sad but true
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Re: World character sugesstion
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2010, 01:00:55 pm »

part, but not all, i already sugested such stuff milion times but nobody listen me, it dont have any chance to get into the game, sad but true

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Re: World character sugesstion
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2010, 11:25:53 pm »

maybe the western cities will be made more for that :S i hope :)
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