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should be more third party tools involved ingame

Yes all of them!
- 7 (29.2%)
Yes some of them, chosen by public polls
- 5 (20.8%)
Yes some of them, chosen by devs and GMs
- 4 (16.7%)
nope we have enough third party tools
- 1 (4.2%)
nope ban everything else than standart distribution
- 7 (29.2%)

Total Members Voted: 24

Voting closed: September 07, 2010, 02:50:00 pm

Pages: [1]

Author Topic: Third party tools  (Read 1921 times)

Third party tools
« on: August 23, 2010, 02:50:00 pm »

I'am starting this suggestion poll in reaction to recent ban affair. I am not protesting against bans cause non of my chars were banned.

I want to suggest to allow more third party tools to be used in game. Development process is extremely time consuming and long term work. I think that developers of those tools could save FOnline devs a lot of time by sharing theirs tools and mods to comunity without fear of persecution.

I show some examples of tools.
Always run - no more worn out shift
AimBot - aiming chars can stand a chance against bigguner in CQB (new closerange classes might emerge)
Quick slots - how better is to press "1" than to search through whole inventory for that fucking stimpack.

I think some of them are planned to be implemented in game anyway. Is it necessary to invent wheel over again?

There surely should be some validation process to allow new tool to be used. I would most likely see something like pols by players supervised by GMs and devs with right of veto.

There also might be some more sophisticated distribution process of those tools. Like including them into official FOnline releases.

Now accuse me of cheating and insolence cause it is true. :-)
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: Third party tools
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2010, 02:56:15 pm »

Well every real time game has shortcuts of couse, and it's normal.
Fallout is supposed to be turn based.
But FOnline is partly TB and RT.
Means it should have shortcuts.
Imagine playing RT game and everytime you want to shoot someone there will be a window asking:
1."Do you really want to shoot at him?"
1) "Yes" <- right answer
2) "No"
2."Are you sure? May be you changed your mind?"
1) "Yes"
2) "No" <- right answer
3."Sorry, the target is blocked, or you're dead already."


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Re: Third party tools
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2010, 03:05:33 pm »

I am sorry, but it has been said several times that such tools just aren't allowed.
If you want to have such nifty functions, wait till the devs implement it in the way they want and don't use addons/plugins coming from other people. It only get's you banned for breaking the rules.

Therefore such a poll here isn't needed.
Re: Third party tools
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2010, 03:15:35 pm »

If you want to have such nifty functions, wait till the devs implement it in the way they want

I wouldnt say a word for the game in production, but this is beta, isn't it? I just wanted to ensure that devs know, which tools are already implemented and in which way, to save their time and get most desired features in game sooner and thus shortening beta phase.

Therefore such a poll here isn't needed.

I still got feeling that there is strong underestimation of the number of almost 1000 acounts banned, mostly of very active players. (thus active testers) Some of them deserting game because of it. Is there so much bigger issues for making polls and suggestion than something affecting so many chars?
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
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