Other > Events
Free For All Event #4
--- Quote from: Izual on July 26, 2010, 11:09:14 am ---So.
1) Requires mappers work. Otherwise, telll me a map already in-game that, in your opinion, would fit.
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my second map allows to do it without alterations to the current engine
I don't want to sound harsh or anything and your map looks good, yes. But it requires mapper's work. And I'm not going to ask Lexx to work on a map for a FFA event. Nor I wish him to look at players-made maps. I really prefer him to work on the game instead ;p If one day there's a possibility for him to make such a map, I'll ask for more map ideas or something.
--- Quote ---I'm not going to remove plasma rifle or anything. Big Guns have their advantages too.
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sure, with minigun and blue ammo, please play on that event and try to kill plasma autoaimboters, trick is shoot them form 1hex - how i supose do that ? or how i supose shoot them form 10-20 hexes ? doing 60dmg with minigun?
--- Quote from: Izual on July 26, 2010, 12:05:29 pm ---I don't want to sound harsh or anything and your map looks good, yes. But it requires mapper's work. And I'm not going to ask Lexx to work on a map for a FFA event. Nor I wish him to look at players-made maps. I really prefer him to work on the game instead ;p If one day there's a possibility for him to make such a map, I'll ask for more map ideas or something.
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Isual, dont take anything personal what was written here. I tried to be as constructive critic as I could :) Ur are doing a great job here and I respect you. Sure, I understand it cant be done in a meantime.
more 5 mm AP, more plasma nades
less 5mm JHP
Add Brotherhood instead of Combat armor
Add all ' models ' 10 S Stim, 2 jets and 4 nuka
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