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Free For All Event #4

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This event was awesome


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on July 25, 2010, 11:41:21 pm ---What are you talking about?  You asked or feedback and he gave you it.  Hypocritical to diss him for something you asked for  :-\.
The only thing that would call for new featuring is the balcony thing for snipers, everything else can easily be fixed by a GM alone.

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--- Quote ---1) Maps are bad
  a) It should be designed for all kinds of fighters - balconies for snipers, corridors for miniguns
  b) What should a sniper do? Rush? We have some kind of general missunderstanging about camping here.
2) No equipment choices saves. You should be able to choose your gear and on the next respawn u should be equiped by the previous choice until you change it.
3) Respawn timers are evil - no more than 10sec IMO
4) There should be no unconsciousness - no going below zero as poisoned. I've seen numerous times people laying there asking to finish them off
5) Poor selection of gear. Why does miniguns get advantage of using combat armors and sniper should be using combat leather armors? Is it a joke of some kind? Common! Minigunners have like 250 HP + combat armor + make a 150 damage at 1 turn - advantage overweight here!
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1) Requires mappers work. Otherwise, telll me a map already in-game that, in your opinion, would fit.
a) After respawn point there was a wide empty area.
b) What you do is only up to you?
"Equipment choices saves" ? "Respawn timer shortener" ? "No unconsciousness" ? I'm not a wizard. Let's be serious a minute and if you want to play some real FPS with a shortened respawn timer, machine guns and snipers available for everyone, I suggest you to buy Counter Strike.
5) The NPC that gives stuff is likely to be used in some other places than this event. Therefore, he is not balanced for FFA events, though it is linked to 1).

--- Quote ---I propose this kind of map
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--- Quote ---Sure, I'll just ask developers to stop to work on new exciting features so that they work on giving us all these features
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--- Quote ---Is it possible to add event planner to the sites? SMF forums support calendars and its possible to add events to them. So maybe give us some heads up 1-2 days ahead before these events take place ingame? Nothing that would require more than few minutes of searching on the net and then 2 minutes to put an event into the calendar. And I think a lot of people would appreciate it.
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Even if it was possible, I would not use it. You don't remember what happened last time an event was scheduled? :p

--- Quote ---And the second one: Can we try to create our own maps for these PvP events? Is there a chance to get them ingame if they are balanced and well designed? And if it is possible to implement player made maps, is there any technical obstacle that we should know about?
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I don't think so, though I'm not the one responsible for maps. Plus, the "Warzone" map is already in-game, but a nasty bug has to be fixed before we can use it.

Well that was NCR defense event right? That is kinda something else than having heads up for 1-2 days ahead for some regular event.

biggest issues, for bigguners like me:
- to much 5mm JHP, compare to 5mm AP
- plasma riffle <- that gun is imbalanced on that small map, especialy when 80% of players using autoaimbot. i cant do anything against plasma ..with regular minigun


--- Quote from: Sius on July 26, 2010, 11:38:38 am ---Well that was NCR defense event right? That is kinda something else than having heads up for 1-2 days ahead for some regular event.

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Well, scheduling an event brings problems. I feel like I already explained all this, but let's do it again :p
So, planning is only to bring more people, am I right?
- More people = More troublemakers = Teamkillers, spammers, all kind of griefers. I estimate on each event about 20 minutes are lost because of guys that I have to kick out.
- More people = More lags. Sorry, but even with events planned 30 minutes before the start we have lags. And NCR Defense Event, planned one week before the start, was horribly laggy.
- More people = Need a bigger map. And for now, or for this kind of events, it is impossible.
- Scheduling an event is hard, for some reasons : 1) You can never tell when you will be available and when you won't (or at least, I can't :p). Imagine you schedule an event and suddenly you have to move out before it starts. Wouldn't be okay. 2) Making an event is tiresome. Hours of work, before and while it's started. It requires a serious commitment before the start. And I can't predict at all when I will be super-committed and when I won't :p

--- Quote from: maszrum on July 26, 2010, 11:47:33 am ---- plasma riffle <- that gun is imbalanced on that small map, especialy when 80% of players using autoaimbot. i cant do anything against plasma ..with regular minigun

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I'm not going to remove plasma rifle or anything. Big Guns have their advantages too.


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