Other > Events
Free For All Event #4
Steve Zissou:
yes let's give everyone psycho and buffout too.
--- Quote from: maszrum on July 26, 2010, 12:08:23 pm ---sure, with minigun and blue ammo, please play on that event and try to kill plasma autoaimboters, trick is shoot them form 1hex - how i supose do that ? or how i supose shoot them form 10-20 hexes ? doing 60dmg with minigun?
--- End quote ---
You already choose melee weapon to get BA and 4 superstimpacks, so why don't you choose a different loadout to get tesla armor? or loot it from one of 100s on ground? 80 dr isn't enough?
Then I imagine when you are using tesla you will whine about being bursted by BG...sadly it is a perpetual cycle
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