Other > Suggestions

Different merc types having different CH requirements

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Yeah I really like the idea of everyone at least being able to have a dog or a brahmin.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on July 25, 2010, 08:04:29 pm ---A player with 10 CH and magnetic personality could have 3 mutants or 4 humans or 10 brahmins + 2 dogs.

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IIRC, you can't take mag. personality if you have 10 CH. So the most mutants we'd ever see would be 2, which I am fine with. I'm looking forward to the one person who has a 9 CH mag. personality build to have 11 dogs.

--- Quote from: Slaver Snipe on July 25, 2010, 08:14:49 pm ---I like the dog/brahmin being 1 slot but instead of just splitting it by race i think some (melee mercs including the melee supermutant) should cost 1 point less than their BG/Sniper counterparts.

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Well from the discussions I've seen, it seems like with 3d models, if they are applied to mercs, each race will be able to use all types of weapons because they'll have all animations.


--- Quote from: Gunduz on July 25, 2010, 08:17:59 pm ---IIRC, you can't take mag. personality if you have 10 CH. So the most mutants we'd ever see would be 2, which I am fine with.
--- End quote ---

I assumed it would be fixed, so taking 10 CH would be better than taking 9 CH, not worse like it is now (which is a complete nonsense).

Slaver Snipe:
Well you can have 10 CH and magnetic just take the +1 perk after magnetic.

I like it. While we're at it, can we make dogs not terrible?

Or even respawnable mercs?

yes please!! i want that! nice idea Jovanka


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