Other > Suggestions
Different merc types having different CH requirements
Good ideas, both. (Jovankas and Gordulans)
Imho sidekicks should be done as Badger said eg they will follow you only if THEY choose you. So maybe add "secret" NPCs around the world with random respawn time and random stay time. Lets say that every day 1 or 2 NPC followers will spawn at some public place in some town, so pubs, library, walking through the town etc. But after 1 hours or so, this NPC will leave the town and then respawn at random place at random time for another 1 hours only. If the PC finds and talks to them, it will be possible to recruit them to join your fight but it should be more or less random. But there are few things that comes to my mind:
- every NPC follower should have its own background story that will decide whenever he will join you or not (NCR ranger veteran will not join to someone who have negative reputation with NCR, skilled gecko hunter will not follow someone who can't even skin (kill 250+) gecko etc...)
- there should be more types of followers, some weaker that would not mind joining low lvl chars, some better that would never go with unexperienced PC
- the follower dialog should be well written with decisions that do matter so high speech/ch should matter for most of the followers, but wise PC should be able to talk some of the followers to join him even if he does not matches all the criteria to recruit that NPC
Yeah good idea .
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