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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Starting zones expansion  (Read 1745 times)


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Starting zones expansion
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:56:26 pm »

Right now, starting zones only contain an NPC asking you to do a delivery and a container with few goods of little value. Here's what should be done, in order to prevent newcommers from entering wasteland in it's full harshness without any preparation.

a) First quest would be simple - deliver one of the items from the very first container(fe. a water bag in the desert area spawn) to the NPC, worth 100xp.
b) For the second quest, the NPC would supply the player with items necessary to craft their first 9mm Mauser or perhaps a gun of their choice. After accepting it, the player would be teleported into a seperate area with a workbench only and the NPC itself, to prevent people from grabbing the crafting materials and then leaving the starting area over and over again. After being done, talking to the NPC about the weapon will teleport the player back to the starting zone, with three clips for the weapon of his choice(in this case - 21x 9mm ammo, additionally awarding 300xp.
c) Third quest would require the player to venture into a single level dungeon filled with rats worth a total of 200xp in order to retrieve an item, placed obviously at the end of the location. Worth 200xp.
d) Fourth quest would be the delivery quest, asking the player to go to the nearest guarded city and passing a message or an item to the correct NPC. Worth 200xp.

After doing all these tasks, the player will succesfully advance to level 2, spend his first points, learn how to craft, fight in real time mode and solve simple quests at low levels, thus adapting many of the new rules that were introduced in FOnline, but did not appear in FO2. Obviously, we can't teach players how to act against other players and what to expect from the wasteland via an automated system, but I think it would be a good first step in achieving a friendly enviroment before dropping the ten-ton bomb of hate on the newbies.
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Re: Starting zones expansion
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2010, 02:09:35 pm »

Having a lot more hotels would help with this. If they were in every town and making a new character included a quest pointing to a hotel, people would have a safe place to store their items. Especially if the 'jobs' like caravan unloading are in every town - would it be possible to move the NCR crate unloading from the train station into the main town? Same with the delivery quests. It'd be nice if you could choose to be paid in basic gear, too.

The more I think about it, higher wages would be a good way to spread out the population. Sure you can work in the NCR, but the sheer number of people drive wages down. Head down to Junktown and get a lot more bang for your buck.


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Re: Starting zones expansion
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2010, 11:23:16 am »

Its actually better and easier than making whole new vault or customizing a new location. I wonder if its possible to do such things like teleport of the player.
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
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