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Author Topic: Farming-PvE  (Read 4531 times)


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Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2010, 04:01:32 am »

You know, a lot of people like to kill mobs just for fun, for the challenge, for trading, no only to get more and more weapons to chainkill bluesuits...
Of course, I'd prefer more "dunjeons", to get interesting stuff, but this solution would be a lot more easier to set up.
Its funny how we actually do have "Dungeons" its just very rare that you find anything worthwhile inside them :P.
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Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2010, 04:50:11 am »

HK G11

if add only those, it wouldnt fuck up crafting?

oh and about crafting/farming, i actually LOVE to kill caravans for loot, and hate crafting. its more of action and fun, plus risking.
try killing VC......
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2010, 05:21:31 am »

ok lets make a scenario:

One big gunner powerbuild against 10 VC caravanists.

The big gunner has BA, Avenger, 600 5mm ap, 5 super stims, and takes two buffout and jet before the fight.

5 Asault rifles and 5 deagles.

It takes him one burst point blank for each of th Caravan gaurds.

40 times 10 = 400 5m ap used up.
His armoris no 15% det and so is his avenger.
take into accont his drugs, he used up both stat boosters and al of his super stims.

All he gets is a couple of highly deteriorated assault rifles and he like everyone else just leaves the deagles to coserve space.

I this reall worth it in the first place, where you canno buy 5mm ap easily instores due to them always being sold out?  Or th fact tat no player wants the shitty ARs cus of det?


Thank you :P.

why would you gear up for pvp to go and fight caravans??
Swords will cut you wide fucking open!


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Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2010, 05:34:08 am »

why would you gear up for pvp to go and fight caravans??
Because the only other build capable of loner combating such a caravan would be a leader build with 5 frikkin sup sledge mercs thats why.

They are DANGEROUS!!!!
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Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2010, 07:04:21 am »

Sorry Michael, I meant that ideally we'd be getting xp and gear from quests. Encounters would be a very, very minor part of the game.

Well if this dialogue/quest competition goes well, hopefully we'll have a few good people dedicated to adding quests on a regular basis and this will be the case more and more. The direction I'd like to see this game headed (which is in no way the actual direction it will go) is similar to what you said. Difficult quests (or even just time consuming) would give access to some higher tier equipment with the occasional top-tier gun or armor, but farming wouldn't be much of a livelihood.

I'd love to see the occasional random low-tier armor drop though because it wouldn't be worth the ammo or time for large groups, but a loner killing 4 or 5 raiders would come out with a leather jacket to put on himself.

I even think that many encounters (especially centaurs and floaters) need an xp drop, but only once there's an adequate amount of quests to keep us entertained/busy from the time we start to lvl 21.

Ned Logan

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Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2010, 07:37:52 am »

I really would like if the caves and dungeons were more interesting... it is most fun you don't know what is waiting behind next corner, but now 90% of caves are just plain boring and waste of time.
I'm not saying every other cave should be like the toxic caves in F2, but there are many ways how to make it more interesting.


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Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2010, 10:02:48 am »

The changes should start from raiders and marauders because its hell of an effort for a casual not to get killed by insane crits and your reward is 10mm smg, which wont serve you very long. And yes you need some better weapon for them, especially raiders. They could drop some CLJ or LAmk2.

For example in Wow, you get undeterriorated stuff and I dont think crafting sucks there. You get basic things, ok, such things like LJ and if youre an armorer you can upgrade it, of course this is not wow, but the mere idea is used elsewhere. I mean I never saw overfilled shops with armors.
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  • Tim Tom & Ted Lawyer Agency
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Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2010, 10:52:14 am »

What do you think about that ?

Do you have any suggestion to make this aspect of FOnline more enjoyable ?

Dear Heckler,
You want my own opinion about an ideal world ?  ;D

- Low tier stuff should be found easily (and craftable) and everywhere in the wastelands : so the beginners would stop whine about harshness and even if they are not overpowered they will still be able to have a gun and to fight.
- Middle tier stuff should not be craftable but should be found in hard encounters or at merchants for a very expensive price (like 30000 for a simple minigun)
- High tier stuff should not be craftable but should be found in random special encounters  (instead of an Enclave patrol you find an Enclave outpost that you can attack if you want) or be obtained by wining an event.
- Ammos should not be craftable but should be found at merchants, obtained in PvE encounters or as a reward for Town Control

And of course, quantity of human encounters should be lowered in the desert because, you know.... humanity as been destroyed bla bla bla. It' s not normal to encounter a group of people 3 times on the square and at each square.

Heckler Spray

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Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2010, 12:23:39 pm »

Yeah, Pozzo, this world could be really enjoyable for players like us, but you know, all the crafting system will never be "erased", it will never be changed in this way, I assume.

So, some of you think adding high tier would break the actual game mechanics ?

Well, look :

-HK G 11 : it's the best SMG, but it uses some ammo that no one can craft, and that can only be found in this weapon. Furthermore most of people don't use SMG, especially in PvP.

-Pulse Pistol : gooddamages, but shitty range (15 if I remember well). So it wouldn't be very effective in difficult fights, and in PvP. I know people would try to make some tank psycho-pulse pistol, but it would be as effective as psycho tank-plasma rifle.

-Turbo Plasma : well, it's a really good weapon, that's right, its range is ok, and its damages are... woaw. But in my suggestion, you would have to kill a big Brotherhood patrol, which mean a lot of ammos, a lot of risk, and a lot of bad karma.

XLS, Pancor, 223 pistol... : they already exist, they're craftable, but nobody uses them.

Like I said, in compensation, some encounters would have to be changed to keep the economy working : press gangs, mercenaries would not drop rippers, power fists and needler pistols anymore, for instance.
Remember that people would have to take risks and use a lot of stuff to gain those items. And those weapons would never be craftable, it wuold be the only way to obtain them.
Maybe it would develop trading between "PvE" and "PvP" factions.

Concerning armor dropping, well, it's not possible since Fallout 2, so...

Yeah, we have instanced maps, with random encounters, but it's not what I call "dungeons", and I don't blame devs to make more "dungeons", cause it must very time consuming, they have moe important things to do.
That's why I was suggesting to improve PvE by making encounters more interesting.
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Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2010, 12:31:08 pm »

yeah, the range is 15 for the YK-pulse pistol, but it would make it a more effective tank build because of the 3 strength requirement you can save 3 stat points or a perk, thus making it slightly more effective, I'd love to use that pistol despite its shittyass range.
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2010, 12:33:38 pm »

Yeah, I want to see the pulse pistol in use more than I do the rifle.


  • Tim Tom & Ted Lawyer Agency
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Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2010, 12:42:01 pm »

Yeah, Pozzo, this world could be really enjoyable for players like us, but you know, all the crafting system will never be "erased", it will never be changed in this way, I assume.

Yes I know. That's why I'm very frustrated  :'(


Heckler Spray

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Re: Farming-PvE
« Reply #27 on: July 22, 2010, 02:55:17 am »

yeah, the range is 15 for the YK-pulse pistol, but it would make it a more effective tank build because of the 3 strength requirement you can save 3 stat points or a perk, thus making it slightly more effective, I'd love to use that pistol despite its shittyass range.
Yes, but pistols tend to do less good critical hits than rifles, so I'm not sure it would beat the so powerful plasma rifle.

And concerning XLS, 223 pistol, Pancor..., which are craftable, maybe people would use them a bit more, cause for now, they don't. Those weapons are too expansive, and too difficult to craft, compared with their effectiveness.

I know some people think weapons should be more rare in the Wasteland, but you know, FOnline is a Post Nuclear MMO, people want guns to defend themselves.

I'm not a big fan of farming, but I know a lot of people who enjoy it, it's part of the game. And as everybody knows, this game needs content.
So here is my suggestion to bring some content to this part of the game, some variety. In my opinion, it's a valid point, don't you think ?

Blood is thicker than water.

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