Vault for starting players? Great idea!
It could be a tutorial area that will teach the basic survival through few starting quests(that will give exp)
Possible list of quests:
(The player should not be able to leave the quest group at any point- If dead he should respawn inside the vault)
1. Crafting quest:
- Travel with a group of vault guards(escort) to neariest mine(cannot leave group - TRAIN LIKE)
- Mine some resources
- Bring them back to vault and refine
- Craft the item and give to the quest giver to recive exp
2. Hunting quest
- Travel with a group of vault guards on a quest to obtain brahmin meat and hides and gecko pelts and get some fibre(this part will show lowbies where to get hides for tents, hunt small game and obtain fibres)
- The player helps to hunt brahmins and geckos(The player recive basic weapon of choice through dialog)
- When the player gathers 10 brahmin hides, 5 gecko pelts and 10 fibre, the group will travel back to vault(option in dialog when desired items are in inventory)
- The player returns 9 Brahmin hides and 3 gecko pelts and 9 fibre, and quest giver teaches him what could he possibly do with 10 hides and other stuff(a tent and armors etc). Exp reward
3. Making a jacker quest.
- The player is requested to make a leather jacket off items he obtained on previous quest.
- The player recive exp reward and gets to keep his jacket
4. Quest to learn about professions.
- Profession tutorial(school like)
- Simple quiz that will check gained knowledge about professions(required stats, possible crafting, etc)
- Reward: First level of desired profession, Exp Reward
5. Rat problem quest.
- Player recives a solo quest to kill some rats in the basement
- Once again the player will recive a basic weapon of choice through dialog
- Once completed he will recive Exp reward and gets to keep his basic weapon
6. Scouting and survival quest.
- Player once again will travel with a group of Vault guards
- They will teach him about basic survival
- Once the group arrives to NCR, the group will trigger town preview
- After that they will attempt to return to the vault but will get involved in an encounter with ghoul crazies or deathclaws(example).
- The player will be forced to run away or he will die like vault guards(and respawn in the vault again and re-do the quest)
- that way player will learn that sometimes it's simply better to run(one of the guard will shout RUN to the player)
- Once he ran out of mentioned encounter, exp reward will be given and the player won't be able to get back to the vault(dropped near Hub for example)
- Inside vault PVP and stealing should be disabled
-these 6 quest should be sufficent to provide the player with exp ammount that would be enough to reach 5-6 level(depending on ammount of killed creatures within previous quests)
- Vault travelling group cannot be encountered by other players or encounter other player
- Exit grids during all travelling quests except quest 6 should be disabled.
- Summing vault item rewards: player will leave "be kicked" out of vault area with just Leather Jacker, Weapon of choice and some ammo, a knife, (and maybe a survival guide that would tell him to make a tent first)
- One travelling group spawned for each player(so if they get killed(or player get killed) for some reason, it should not block from re-taking the quest)