Other > Suggestions
New Player Vault
I think this is the first beginner area idea that hasn't been completely hated. I like it too. I think the biggest bonus of this would be that players would be more likely to interact with each other at the beginning, meaning they'd hopefully have some people to trust once they got out for trading, partying and faction making.
If this were made mandatory for any character that isn't being remade (aka the character gets deleted and then recreated immediately), it might actually reduce the amount of alting. Not on a large scale, but I'm sure most people wouldn't bother making 20 alts because they'd have to go through the whole vault thing 20 times.
Mr Feltzer:
fuck that, Cities Really would have No N00bs in it,
The Ol' Lifestyle of N00bs is basicly boned
Winston Wolf:
--- Quote from: Mr Feltzer on July 21, 2010, 07:58:40 am ---fuck that, Cities Really would have No N00bs in it,
The Ol' Lifestyle of N00bs is basicly boned
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Is that post serious? Are you 12?
This is needed if fonline wants to be "normal" as a MMO
--- Quote from: chenzo on July 21, 2010, 12:01:00 am ---Once you reach a set level ( lvl10 maybe ...or even lvl5 would help) you are sent away from the vault to start your travels(or you can leave earlier, but cant re-enter).
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That's fine
--- Quote from: chenzo on July 21, 2010, 12:01:00 am ---Vault could have several quests that help explain a few game functions
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Ok, it's fair, unless you get a reward for completing these quests.
--- Quote from: chenzo on July 21, 2010, 12:01:00 am ---Trainers to teach all Professions to lvl 1
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HELL, NO! Then tell me, what is the use of that profession lvl 1 if you get it right when you start the game?
--- Quote from: chenzo on July 21, 2010, 12:01:00 am ---safe low level mining
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What is low-level mining area? This is no rune-scape, where you need a certain level to mine HQ iron ore. I say no to this.
--- Quote from: chenzo on July 21, 2010, 12:01:00 am ---and crafting areas
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Fine with that
--- Quote from: chenzo on July 21, 2010, 12:01:00 am ---pking and stealing disabled.
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PKing = you get kicked out
Stealing = disabled
--- Quote from: kraskish on July 21, 2010, 09:51:46 am ---This is needed if fonline wants to be "normal" as a MMO
--- End quote ---
I don't get it what are you talking about, this is just an open beta and this isn't an MMO like others. I would say that this game is just hard for loners and that's it. Even the most smallest gangs can easily survive without whining.
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