Other > Suggestions

New Player Vault

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Metal Avalon:
Fix for that : Make vault quests give more exp. After all you'll be learning from teachers instead of just stumbling around and finding it out for yourself, makes sense.
I support this idea.

i cant see that it would take player a long time to lvl. Not if there are quests within vault aimed at teaching game basics that reward with xp.. And crafting area will help lvl players.. nearly all new players start with a crafter and you can lvl crafters up fast even with basic resources. And lets face it , if they include alittle bit of info about leaving the vault it will reduce the shock of entering the wasteland and they will only have low end tech so it aint worth shit in the long run... Its more about preparing new players and giving them the skills and advice needed to progress in a less stressful way.

I like it. Any self-respecting MMO teaches people gameplay ingame because that's the best way for players to learn.

haha, i just thought that if they would get some cool starting loot when leaving, then there would be few gangs waiting in same World Map square for enc xD

You would have to be very careful making it unexploitable by assholes, like an instant banishment to the wasteland for any anti-social behaviour and if an honest player dies they respawn in the infirmary.

Wood, ore and minerals could come from a collapsed tunnel with some tree roots and rocks around the place.

...and hopefully by the time the player is level 3, or whatever is decided, they should have enough stuff to trade for 10 brahmin hides from a friendly caravan driver (who collects vault memorabilia) waiting outside the cave who will insist that the player buys some hides and break the fourth wall to explain how to right click and use science on the hides in an area free of resources.

Player: "Press 'I' to open inventory what does that mean? Right click the mouse.. what's a mouse?"
Driver: "Uhh what? Sorry I black out sometimes, what were we talking about?
Player: "Brahmin hides..."


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