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Author Topic: How to populate cities in wasteland?  (Read 5418 times)


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How to populate cities in wasteland?
« on: July 18, 2010, 01:25:39 am »

 Well, after some today drinks, i have plenty of awesome ideas in my head..

 Cities are empty... i know that wipe is comming (hail to the Wipe God), but i think that there are ways how change this situation, and even more, how to add purpose to locations in the cities.

 My premises:

 1) There are groups of players/chars, who do repeatedly same actions every day every week => a) (team)PvP players b) miners c) crafters d)...
 2) We could connect their behaviour with more than their characteristic location a) TC zone b) mines c) workbench d)..


 1) "Moms dinners" bistro network:  If your char will eat some meal in any of the pub/bistro/restaurant/frog pond, your char will get temporary boost to weight capacity (or strenght) for cca 1 hour.

 So miners, before their mining, and some pvp players before fight will enter this locations..

 Imagine the situation, that players, even enemy,  will meet themselfs before fight in NCR pub before fight.. they can quiz themself, whatever.. Current fights lack this kind of interaction.. it is only waiting for 25 minutes, than quick death or victory...

 2) Prostitutes bonus to luck.. If you meet this kind of women and you will pay some money, you will get temporary bonus to luck +1


 As is said in premises, the point is to attract this chars to more than one location. Of course, you have drugs now.. but drugs have: 1) negative effects 2) and have not adequate social effect (in game) This suggeston could help and maybe could create very same kind of locations like is bazaar in NCR..

« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 01:49:23 am by Lordus »
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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 01:43:00 am »

I could always have some more service culture in my underwear.

Didn't, got killed.

Ned Logan

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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2010, 01:54:41 am »

Good idea about boosting the social effects.

Though dunno about the prostitutes, doesn't increase the social interaction a lot, unless you meant group sex was possible :)
Also I bet someone would argue he gets sex without having to pay, and that player2player sex should be possible and increase luck too...
Well lets just say I can't imagine how would TC battles look with this... "Damn, they are coming, fast, lets have a quickie..."


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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2010, 04:56:11 pm »

would be sweet, but fucking would give me 11 luck, and it would be awesome with getting "perk titles", like in FO2, but without bonuses
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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2010, 04:59:17 pm »

I could always have some more service culture in my underwear.


Maybe prostitute increasing Endurance or damage resistance by 2%? :D
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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2010, 05:02:21 pm »

Maybe prostitute increasing Endurance or damage resistance by 2%? :D

 boys, prostitutes are example, dont focus only at them :)) there could be much more examples, but currently, i cant find any other :)
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2010, 05:05:08 pm »

I like all these ideas. I vote spending your downtime at bars gives you a short-term XP buff for the next 30-60 minutes. More low-paid work like shit shovelling would do plenty of good.

But I think the whatever happens TC will always hamper town growth. I'm an advocate of all TC being moved to places like Sierra, Toxic Caves, the Ghost Farm, the Raider bases, the Glow, etc.

It's logic that comes from most games besides this one. Towns = Safe. Outside Towns = Not Safe.

I don't get what's so special about towns that means PvP has to be there, especially when there's plenty of other unused viable locations.

Similarly, the quests being written for TC towns are a waste of time if you can get shot and lose a quest item as you try and hand it in. Especially if you have to back across the map to get a fresh one and travel the exact same journey.


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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2010, 05:10:48 pm »

exactly, i don't recall seeing gangs, or mobsters trying to take a town with limited resources, the main fight is the fight for tect, which is found in the military locations, making all towns guarded would actually help populate FOnline faster, allowing newbies to settle down in a town of their choice, I for one want to live in redding because of the mole rat fights.
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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2010, 05:22:38 pm »

Similarly, the quests being written for TC towns are a waste of time if you can get shot and lose a quest item as you try and hand it in. Especially if you have to back across the map to get a fresh one and travel the exact same journey.
Ever heard of interacting with other players? Not all gangs are PK, not all players kill everyone on sight. If it bothers you so much, try single player (F1/F2).

exactly, i don't recall seeing gangs, or mobsters trying to take a town with limited resources, the main fight is the fight for tect, which is found in the military locations, making all towns guarded would actually help populate FOnline faster, allowing newbies to settle down in a town of their choice, I for one want to live in redding because of the mole rat fights.
Bullshit. There are guarded: NCR, SF, VC, Hub, Boneyard (partially), Junktown... You can rarely find someone in a city other than NCR.
Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2010, 06:05:25 pm »

Ever heard of interacting with other players? Not all gangs are PK, not all players kill everyone on sight. If it bothers you so much, try single player (F1/F2).

Making more towns safe will cut down on player interaction? Why?

Metal Avalon

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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2010, 06:22:58 pm »

I agree with Badger and Lordus 100%
This is a good idea and would help with alot of different things.

Ned Logan

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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2010, 06:33:09 pm »

Yes these are some very good ideas.
Also I think the TC fights should mostly move to the New Reno where should be the best rewards for controlling a part of the town, and some huge awesome reward for controlling the whole town.
This way the villages like Redding and BH could be controlled by more newb friendly factions because they would not be so interesting for the PK factions, although I don't know if that would be possible with the current HQ resources situation...


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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2010, 07:22:53 pm »

Yes these are some very good ideas.
Also I think the TC fights should mostly move to the New Reno where should be the best rewards for controlling a part of the town, and some huge awesome reward for controlling the whole town.
This way the villages like Redding and BH could be controlled by more newb friendly factions because they would not be so interesting for the PK factions, although I don't know if that would be possible with the current HQ resources situation...

Everyone likes it as it is...  No frikkin militia traps... ambushes are expected because its fuckin Reno, and it has too many traders drug sellers and gun traders etc... for people to ruin by making it TCable.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2010, 07:54:52 pm »

Maybe prostitute increasing Endurance or damage resistance by 2%?

Prostitution only increases anal resistance  ;D

But seriously, the idea is good but I think it is not enough.
Currently in the game we have : fully guarded towns OR fully ungarded towns.

Maybe we could mix these two kinds....
Every town should have a "center" fully secured with guards and also some suburbs than would be unguarded. If someone is looking for basic stuff to trade he can do that in the center of the city. If he is looking for better stuff (good armors or strong guns) or illegal stuff (drugs for example) he will have to risk his life in the suburbs.
And of course desert will stay the same : dangerous and harsh.


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Re: How to populate cities in wasteland?
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2010, 08:00:18 pm »

i'd disagree with the better and basic placement, I'd say, basic weapons and some higher tier gear in the centres, but specialised shit ought to be found in the suburbs, like LSWs, basically the shit one can't craft, but is able to wield, and also, the customers should be guarded, even in the suburbs, the last thing a gun-dealer needs is an asshole dropping in and shooting prospective customers inside his store, so inside the shops it ought to be guards, which will only guard INSIDE the store.
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