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Author Topic: Saved the by the gravekeepers  (Read 2219 times)

Saved the by the gravekeepers
« on: July 15, 2010, 10:10:27 pm »

idk if its possible and i didnt find a post like this but i was wondering if the replication area a player is sent to is random (also curious if the location is selected upon replication or when you hit -20 hp) but if there could be a npc that could be engaged in dialogue perhaps there could be a question or some kind of luck roll to aquire back some of your missing belongings from when you died. Or maybe shovels can be handed out from time to time to dig up your belongings from 1 of the graves that you find in the respawn camps ( a shovel that destroys after 1 use so not "abuse") juuuust a thought  :)
I would like my enlcave skin please :D


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Re: Saved the by the gravekeepers
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2010, 10:24:54 pm »

since there is full loot then we would have item duping.
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Re: Saved the by the gravekeepers
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2010, 10:36:31 pm »

do we even need to be able to loot shit from other people? No, we don't because of the simple fact that only the fuckers who fire first normally get rich on looting, would also take down the demand on armour and up the supply on it probably balancing the amount of supply/demand, right now there's a huge demand on armour, and only the bigger gangs can supply the neccesary amounts, but they are not willing to share their resources... god forbid that someone would use their gear to take em down...
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1

Metal Avalon

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Re: Saved the by the gravekeepers
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2010, 12:25:36 am »

I would like a feature like maybe when you die some on your stuff isn't on your body
Lets say you die, when the guy loots you only a few things are there, like some ammo or caps
Everything else the guard who helped you or the farmer or the main people wherever you might of spawned tell you that they collected your stuff, and return it to you. The higher your level the less they would collect when you die this way it would be balanced for noobs.


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Re: Saved the by the gravekeepers
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2010, 11:49:25 pm »

since there is full loot then we would have item duping.

What about PvE encounters? I feel like if it was against a human critter, they'd take some of your stuff like ammo, weapons and caps, but leave other things. Against a non-humanoid though, I don't see why you'd lose anything. Unless whoever 'saves' you keeps some of your stuff as payment.

Just in general, what's the theory with how we respawn? Yeah it's a game and whatever, but you get a 'Replication' timer even though sometimes you get 'saved' by farmers. Maybe I'm just a stickler for consistency, but it bothers me. The reason I bring this up is that if we are rescued, then it's reasonable that we get some things back. But if we replicate, then that's enough of an argument to get nothing back.
Re: Saved the by the gravekeepers
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2010, 01:07:41 am »

I think the death penalty is fine. People who have been playing for a bit can die dozens of times with BA and an expensive gun before running out of caps.
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