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Author Topic: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack  (Read 5017 times)


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Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« on: July 15, 2010, 07:02:06 am »

Hello. In this thread I just want to present a pack of suggestions, from which I think the general atmosphere could benefit from.

1. Bring back the "Player XY was critically hit for ABC hit points, he admires the view, while his head cuts from his body but he is admiring the view in his last seconds." or "You have been hit for XY points, that scars for sure make some issues at the next party" etc. Ofcourse, shortening them down is a lot more viewable, but imo these verbose messages should be turned off/on.

2. Loopable music. Personally, it annoys me, that when a track (.acm) ends, it takes ~3-4 minutes to start the new track again. Atleast lower the cooldown, or let the players decide when the new track starts in the config file.

3. Outdoorsman. Nerf it. Seriously. Players are wiith their "Taxi" powerbuilds much too fast. Nerf it dramatically, make the trains actually worth their money.

4. Let the NPC enemies make some "brief" messages in yellow text, to make them less like cannon fodder and "easy loot" then more like actually beings in the fallout world.. Like in FO1/2:

"Outch, that split my spine"

"Shit *yolks*, that for sure popped my goddamn lung"

Or some invented stuff like:

"You for sure sold my kidney with that shot, but I will avenge me!"

"Shot missed? Loser."

"Holy dang, that fuck hit my eye! I cant see!

"That moron broke my leg! Hit him"

And so on..


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Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2010, 07:16:16 am »

1. Yes...  Please...  It was very interesting and sometimes funny to see how it would've played out in the real world seeing it happen in your mind, good RP btw.

2. can't comment don't got music.

3. It is kinda funny how a outdoorsman powerbuild can go faster than a car but still, don't nerf it too much but it does need a nerf.

4. Look back on reply: No. 1.
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Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2010, 07:58:59 am »

I agree with all but number 3. Don't assume everyone has an array of powerbuilds/alts at their disposal and please don't "balance" powerbuilds so that you have to have powerbuilds to play. As for number 4: it is implemented -- NPCs do make comments like that. I just wish they did it more often. Often, fights among over 20 NPCs finish without a single comment out of one of them.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 08:01:25 am by Pillory »


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Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2010, 10:04:08 am »

3. Outdoorsman. Nerf it. Seriously. Players are wiith their "Taxi" powerbuilds much too fast. Nerf it dramatically, make the trains actually worth their money.

This problem is caused by alts and can be fixed by fixing alts. Nobody would put over 200 points in ot if he had only single char to play with.
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Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2010, 10:05:32 am »

People don't understand that without Inter-alt-relationships this game would eventually turn into Runescape...
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Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2010, 10:17:32 am »

Whole pack looks fair, agreeing, then.
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Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2010, 11:21:58 am »

1. Bring back the "Player XY was critically hit for ABC hit points, he admires the view, while his head cuts from his body but he is admiring the view in his last seconds." or "You have been hit for XY points, that scars for sure make some issues at the next party" etc. Ofcourse, shortening them down is a lot more viewable, but imo these verbose messages should be turned off/on.

Critical table is different from the original, so most mesages are wrong. It would take a long tim eto rewrite them all after which they could well change anyway.
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Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2010, 02:50:00 pm »

Outdoorsman. Nerf it. Seriously. Players are wiith their "Taxi" powerbuilds much too fast. Nerf it dramatically, make the trains actually worth their money.

Do you think that seeing a point moving on the map is fun? Give to non combat char some chance of fun and left the chance to navigate easy in the map for trading. Give a chance a people that values the real time to not waste it on the world map

If you want the station more used take out the realistic but totally boredom time wasted awaiting  the next train.
if the goal of the train is to skip tedious time on the world map, you don't need to come here and hearing the next train for VC? 4 Hours...
12 minuts awaiting the next train, how realistic but how boredom (if train station are for roleplay it is ok, but then left some chance of travel with haste
if one give away 2 perk and 200 skill point)


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Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2010, 06:38:00 pm »

Before we decide to nerf outdoorsman, we should look at the fact that the problem isn't outdoorsman itself, but alts. Having an Outdoorsman-taxi alt is just as problematic as a 300% Repair/Science alt, 300% sneak alt, total-combat alt, barter-alt etc.

Also, instead of nerfing, how about a boost to car mechanics, and train mechanics. Don't let every single person in the wasteland be able to see your spot when ever you enter an encounter. Be hidden if you drive a car with good oudoorsman. Make buying those expensive cars actually worth the money.

Maybe the pathfinder perks could help hide your car from every single wastelander out there, or as an addition to "Scout" or "Explorer". Maybe add "Cautious Nature" to allow your vehicle to be hidden better if needed.

As for messages during combat, I liked those and they would be great.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 06:40:17 pm by Dishonest Abe »
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2010, 06:58:49 pm »

Do you think that seeing a point moving on the map is fun? Give to non combat char some chance of fun and left the chance to navigate easy in the map for trading. Give a chance a people that values the real time to not waste it on the world map

If you want the station more used take out the realistic but totally boredom time wasted awaiting  the next train.
if the goal of the train is to skip tedious time on the world map, you don't need to come here and hearing the next train for VC? 4 Hours...
12 minuts awaiting the next train, how realistic but how boredom (if train station are for roleplay it is ok, but then left some chance of travel with haste
if one give away 2 perk and 200 skill point)

exactly, and the worst part is that you can travel to your destination in that time anyway no matter your outdoorsman, trains are utterly usseles really. same with cars.
Best way is to remove those waiting times and buff the train travel speed. Perhaps even move stations closer to their towns, and other towns with get far more visited for sure.


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Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2010, 02:38:17 am »

Well, didnt expect people to actually support the suggestions about the more "atmospherical" stuff.
Thank you!

@ Solar: If it's tedious to write all the new critical hit messages, I would help you. ;)

@ the outdoorsman: Anyone here played OBT2? It felt much better then Fallout 2. The gameplay changes dramatically, if you don't reach the next town in 5 minutes. Places in Fallout/FOnline are partly more then 500 kilometers apart from each other. I know, reality/=the game, but atleast travelling from town to town should be more hard. And by nerfing the outdoorsman speed, imo the trains will be better (if they get an overhaul). Common people, 200 caps arent the world.

And yes, please make it happen for the verbose messages to come back much more often again.  :-*
Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2010, 02:53:10 am »

Before we decide to nerf outdoorsman, we should look at the fact that the problem isn't outdoorsman itself, but alts. Having an Outdoorsman-taxi alt is just as problematic as a 300% Repair/Science alt, 300% sneak alt, total-combat alt, barter-alt etc.

Also, instead of nerfing, how about a boost to car mechanics, and train mechanics. Don't let every single person in the wasteland be able to see your spot when ever you enter an encounter. Be hidden if you drive a car with good oudoorsman. Make buying those expensive cars actually worth the money.

Car's prices are ridiculous. They should have been worth 10% of what they are worth of currently (in caps, of course, because they are totally useless right now). Their speed should be boosted.

No one is going to use trains as long as you won't make outdoorsman another useless skill (sth like gambling or speech). You'd have to make the journey from town to town taking ages for a char with 300 outdoorsman and 2 pathfinders. But then, still, waiting isn't fun and this is only a game.
Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2010, 04:20:07 am »

Outdoorsman needs reworking but I don't think a nerf is appropriate. Its a pain because untagged you move super slowly and get into fights every 2 seconds and tagged you quickly stop finding encounters.


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Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2010, 04:57:05 am »

Outdoorsman? Remove the ability to travel faster the higher your outdoorsman is completely. Fair chances to everyone. No pathfinder perks.
Fair chances to everyone, too. Cars, could be "tanked" with different stuff. While the lower tier cars will be "fueled" with low tier stuff, the higher tier cars will be "fueled" with really expensive stuff. Make all "fuel" stuff gatherable on unguarded locations.

Normal travelling speed should be half of the normal 30-40% outdoorsman.
Cockroach gives 20% to the travelspeed, but needs random loads of junk.

Buggy I dont consider fallout, so I wont comment. :P

Highwayman gives +50 to travelspeed, it eats Micro fusion cells.

The train is +70% faster then travelling with foot.
This all is to prevent alts. If every character has the same amount of speed on the WM, if everyone will have to go to unguarded places (proper locations are already there) to "farm" stuff to use the transport stuff etc, "TAXI ALTS" will get a huge knockdown, maybe people will get even more normal characters then stupid powerbuilds. "Outdoorsman" could still be used for determing how fast one can encounter other creatures (still too powerfull) and could affect the fix boy.

At the moment, outdoorsman is more like a cheat code rather then a skill for honest people who just play one character, no powerbuilds.


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Re: Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2010, 05:10:08 am »

This all is to prevent alts. If every character has the same amount of speed on the WM, if everyone will have to go to unguarded places (proper locations are already there) to "farm" stuff to use the transport stuff etc, "TAXI ALTS" will get a huge knockdown, maybe people will get even more normal characters then stupid powerbuilds. "Outdoorsman" could still be used for determing how fast one can encounter other creatures (still too powerfull) and could affect the fix boy.

At the moment, outdoorsman is more like a cheat code rather then a skill for honest people who just play one character, no powerbuilds.

Uuum, most loner player I know use outdoors, and I have 2 guys in my gang which play leader as main char because they like it, and it's usefull. Also, travel on map is already boring and slow like hell with low outdoors/no pathfinder, what it would be if slower? Finally thinking outdoors is only for alt sounds pretty stupid to me like it allow you to go faster with your actual char (and not craft for another) and your friends (they really need this char type for travel), if it's an useless char, instead of have one of the 10 char mix leader/PvP we would have just 10 powerbuild.
Finally, charisma would be directly used like dumb stat for everyone because it would become really totally useless and outdoors an other crafting stats totally useless for other things (like science since dismanteling don't work well).

I really don't understand why you want nerf outdoorsman and make one of most boring part of the game (look a little red cross on the map while you desperatly try to join some action) even more boring.
People always want to solve problems by nerfing when a boost to other things (like car interest) is the good solution.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 05:12:44 am by Crazy »
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