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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Easier for noobs.  (Read 4802 times)

Easier for noobs.
« on: July 11, 2010, 10:47:34 pm »

I have just started playing and I can say that after a couple of hours ? I am greatly disappointed.  It seems to me that the game is to hard to get started, who wants to play a game that they can't do anything when they start the game?

Why is there no starting newbie area? or at least some equipment when you start?

I like the fact the the wasteland is tough, but it needs not be so tough that you cant figure out whats going on without dying every five seconds.

even the fallout games are easy enough to start

False Idol

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Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2010, 10:54:19 pm »

I agree it is very hard but once you get yourself a tent and a gun then it's much easier. Its really easy crafting your first 10 mm pistol. You just gotta learn to run from random encounters.
Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2010, 11:51:57 pm »

If you travel as a newbie, set combat to realtime so you can run out of encounters.
Basically this game gets easy the moment you have a tent.
Once you have one, getting other stuff become a lot easier as you can store everything you don't need at that moment in your tent.


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Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2010, 12:08:36 am »

actually, you take TB so you can run from gun mob encounters and to actually fight, but in any case your sequence determines when you get to begin then and your AP will depend on whether or not you can get away from the enemies, anyways, click on my sig and read the 3rd post, it should tell you everything you need to know about starting out with combat.
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1


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Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2010, 10:25:14 am »

First. Noob aren't Newb.

Second. If you have at least 8 action points you can kill some creatures like Brahmins, Radscorpions, Cave Rats etc. in HtH combat using Hit & Run tactic in turn based mode. Getting a tent is the priority. I know it's hard to collect 1000 caps to buy Brahmin hides, but you can hunt some of them instead. For a newb, areas between Junktown and Hub is excellent go get some experience. (but not in the desert) when you collect any sellable things, even Radscorpions' tails you can exchange it for some equipment. Of course you can craft almost everything, so think about your future profession.

Third. More people more fun. And it's much easier to get equipment when you're member of faction.

False Idol

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Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2010, 10:35:49 am »

Not to mention crafting Small Guns or even just the components is so easy. 100 12 gauge shells cost around 950 caps, and that's only from one gathering cool down.
Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2010, 11:48:43 am »

The game is tough because of skewed feedback by dozens of bored level 21 players and unreliable feedback from GM's that don't even play the game fairly (4 out of 5 that i've seen had 999% DR or whatever, the 1 that didn't was bombed in NCR and much lulz were had)

This game is not noob friendly and the people who play it are not noob friendly. To be successful you have to play 2 - 4 hours a day with several character builds supporting one another. If you don't do this you better get used to being called a little bitch, fag, pussy or any other variation of the theme and repeatedly killed (i got called 'kurwa' today by a nice polak PKer). Items are meaningless, when you start out you won't get to keep any, when you get to level 21 you will complain about having too many (but you won't give them away) the important thing to remember is to never carry them with you.. anywhere.

Hopefully the next update will bring:
1)Tutorial at start (unskippable to discourage alts)
2)Guarded and thief free starting areas, <level 6 only
3)Leveled wastelander encounter lists (you will not be able to encounter another wastelander more then 5 levels above or below your level)
4)Glitch free karma system, no more guards killing for no reason, no karma loss for shooting thieves
5)PKers and unprotected people marked ie "you see NewbieHelper (Newbie Killer) (Unprotected) (Thief)"
6)Choice of turnbased or realtime for every encounter (not just the ones outdoorsman catches)
7)Guards in shops should shoot thieves, why the hell does buster let people steal money from his customers?
8)Guarded HQ mine (guarded by BoS) in a very far away location, maybe by the glow.
9)Keep broken armor on player death (no more bluesuits running around)

It's a beta. So bare with it. Or don't.
Quote from: LittleDragon
I play this game purely to kill such people that think they can play the game safely and never get killed. You expect fun from this game? No fun. Gonna find you and kill you, and shit on your dead body. I'm going online to find more noobs :D
Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2010, 01:12:00 pm »

The game is tough because of skewed feedback by dozens of bored level 21 players and unreliable feedback from GM's that don't even play the game fairly (4 out of 5 that i've seen had 999% DR or whatever, the 1 that didn't was bombed in NCR and much lulz were had)

This game is not noob friendly and the people who play it are not noob friendly. To be successful you have to play 2 - 4 hours a day with several character builds supporting one another. If you don't do this you better get used to being called a little bitch, fag, pussy or any other variation of the theme and repeatedly killed (i got called 'kurwa' today by a nice polak PKer). Items are meaningless, when you start out you won't get to keep any, when you get to level 21 you will complain about having too many (but you won't give them away) the important thing to remember is to never carry them with you.. anywhere.

Hopefully the next update will bring:
1)Tutorial at start (unskippable to discourage alts)
2)Guarded and thief free starting areas, <level 6 only
3)Leveled wastelander encounter lists (you will not be able to encounter another wastelander more then 5 levels above or below your level)
4)Glitch free karma system, no more guards killing for no reason, no karma loss for shooting thieves
5)PKers and unprotected people marked ie "you see NewbieHelper (Newbie Killer) (Unprotected) (Thief)"
6)Choice of turnbased or realtime for every encounter (not just the ones outdoorsman catches)
7)Guards in shops should shoot thieves, why the hell does buster let people steal money from his customers?
8)Guarded HQ mine (guarded by BoS) in a very far away location, maybe by the glow.
9)Keep broken armor on player death (no more bluesuits running around)

It's a beta. So bare with it. Or don't.

Can't say anything about the first part, so I won't.

It's a hard game to start with, especially if you start as a loner. To me that's not something that makes it noob unfriendly, it just makes it hard to get started.
Although many people aren't noob friendly, there are many people both in the game and here on the forums who help out new players by giving them advice or items.
You don't need several character builds to support eachother. 1 fighter/crafter build is enough to manage. Sure you'll be killed from time to time and you will kill from time to time. As for the name calling, I can only guess some people are either childish and/or abuse the anonimity of the internet. You might do it too. Grow over it, afterall it's only words.

1. Make it optional, not mandatory.
2. No. These places can't be found in the wasteland, better live with it.
3. Sure, why not expand it to not being able to encounter groups etc? Or simply add god-mode.
4. Agreed. Killing or wounding guards or other players for no reason at all should result in a repuation drop. The reputation drop should be highter for killing/wounding guards than for normal players. You should be able to kill unprotected players without a reputation drop.
5. Unprotected thieves could be marked, but that should only be visible for people with awareness. You can mark PK yourself. If the system doe sit, that would mean most players will be marked as such. Good luck creating a system that can identify deliberate pk, accidental pk, pk out of self defense, etc.
6. We have configuration settings for that. You can choose there.
7. Agreed. It's bad for their business, so they should shoot thieves on the spot when they try to steal. Perhaps a reputation system per town for traders would be useful here.
8. No. It would flud the gameworld with hq minerals and ores. All you need is a taxi friend with a brahmin to get tons of hq material.
9. No. You die, you lose everything.

Perhaps a kind of safety deposit box system at FLC could be an option.
As long as you're level 1-3 and don't have a tent, you can use it to store items.
Off course such a thing costs money, lets say 100 caps just like opening an account, requires a bank account at that FLC and is very limited in the amount and weight of items that can be stored. Lets say to the equivalent of 15 brahmin hides.
The moment you build a tent or reach level 4 the safety deposit box is canceled and any items in it are transfered to the FLC guy.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 03:53:30 pm by HertogJan »


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Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2010, 04:57:48 pm »

wasteland will never be harsh enough, but nerfing the harshness would spoil all the fun
Self-proclaimed best guide in the wastes. by MACabra, edit by Frozen Mind
Snackish: pks pks pks. Kilgore: BBS is here, town is safe


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Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2010, 05:03:08 pm »

It's already easy enough if you compare it to previous versions.
It's not the games fault if people don't read manuals or guides before they start to play.
Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2010, 01:38:07 pm »

I agree and disagree.

They DONT have to make the game itself more new-player-friendly. No adding of ridiculous new player zones or new player protection (shield of invulnerability, lol) or anything like it. The gameplay itself must remain as difficult as it is, not get easyer.
BUT, they should make some kind of easy, fast, basic step tutorial in-game. Reading wiki is tiresome and new players should use it only when really needed. Now, theres been that contest of player guides and stuff. The devs could atleast modify the game start so that when a player creates char, a window pops up with opportunity to open link in web browser to the winner guide of that contest. Its true that many people start playing the game witouth even knowing about forum like this and not knowing they can find guides like that.
I give a fuck.


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Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2010, 08:02:33 pm »

I have just started playing and I can say that after a couple of hours ? I am greatly disappointed.  It seems to me that the game is to hard to get started, who wants to play a game that they can't do anything when they start the game?

Why is there no starting newbie area? or at least some equipment when you start?

I like the fact the the wasteland is tough, but it needs not be so tough that you cant figure out whats going on without dying every five seconds.

even the fallout games are easy enough to start

Im reading it and dont know... laught at you or just cry about player "will to rise". Game is hard, new players often dies and guess what? sometimes they stay for longer becouse "fuck yea now i got 800 caps in bank and im rich" - for some people it is funny but imo it is that part of gameplay that should be seen. If you are new that mean YOU must learn how to play, not change the game becouse it would fit your desires.

I hate such posts as "its to hard" "i die to often" "i lost my alll day earinigns" - wtf? Each time i see such bullshit i think about tibia or some hack and slash game type... You dont know how to play? ASK PEOPLE IN GAME - and stop dreaming that you will be 1 man ultimate army.

Man im angry...


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Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2010, 01:14:58 am »

stop dreaming that you will be 1 man ultimate army.

Man im angry...

Accidentally, there are a few people who are just that - and I find it EXTREMELY ironic that they're the exact opposite of the wannabies you see around here. Basically, they don't give a flying fuck about the forums, never bitch and moan but always think about improving their game, experiment with new builds or ways of getting stuff. All the successful players I know basically started hard and learned how to do stuff in this game by themselves. Personally, I think that this beginning was the best part of the game - I mean, faction wars are interesting etc., but the experience of being a simple dude trying to make a living and then later on building a top tier gang from scratch is simply the most awesome thing this game has to offer. Taking that harshness away would simply kill all that joy and the atmosphere for me. I mean, back when I started the Hub and the NCR were like the worst ghetto areas of African cities, with people choosing to live elsewhere because of the poverty, killing and theft. It was a truely post-apo experience. Right now NCR feels more like a generic, fairly normal town with some ethnic tensions going on (the occasional suicide bombing or assasination)... some magic was clearly lost in transition.

And I agree, some threads on this forum tend to make a man angry like that ::)


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Re: Easier for noobs.
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2010, 12:15:05 pm »

*facepalm* Why do these threads exist...
I'll say the same thing I said in another thread.

I had to work hard to get where I am and all the other high level characters went through the same shit you're going through. We didn't get handouts from GM's and changes to the game engine. Read the wiki (THIS IS IMPORTANT), ask people where safe travel routes are and just use common sense. As far as starting goods, you start out with enough junk to get a fair amount of caps, you just need to bargain with the right shopkeeper. There are NPC's that will give you weapons, armor, caps, and chems if you do something for them.

The rest is up to you, if you can't figure out something so easy as talking to an NPC, then you will get nowhere.

P.S. The Fallout games are easy to start because you are not playing with other people you are playing with a computer and are automatically incorporated in to the story.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 12:31:48 pm by Sashi »
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