Other > Suggestions

Gun Holsters...

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I don't see any use to this to be honest.
2 slots are more then enough.

For the radio, a headset microphone and radio harness with radio on chest or back would make sense and free up a slot.

Make it a reward for doing things for VC, Enclave, or Brotherhood, who would presumably have tactical rigs.

Perhaps for guns we could have magazines instead of ammo in a stack.
Reloading a magazine would be faster than individual bullets.

But then reload time without magazines should be a lot longer.

Ah, forget it.

If Fonline were FOTonline, all this detail would be good.


i think that what carosive is saying is good but if not gunholsters make it so on bos and tesla armore or what ever kind yuo think is best have a slot for a radio so like carosive sead that we can have it in the invatory and it work so it will free up a slot to put a back up gun in

its an idea to consider... however im only looking for a "gun holster" to switch between my pistols quicker.  Its not about having a 3rd slot its about putting 2 pistols in 1 active slot and switching between them for half the Ap's in combat.
It would possibly look like:
Slot 1            Slot 2
Assault Rifle   Holster with 14mm and .223

switching to slot 2 to grab a pistol could take something like 2 ap's instead of spending 4 ap's in total by putting 1 gun back into your inventory then pulling another one out. ie. running out of ammo with a 14mm so you switch to your .223... that takes 4 ap's in total to do. why not just use up that 2nd active slot of mine with a gun holster carrying 2 guns in it so I can save myself 2 ap's in combat to switch to a gun that should be very accessable (in a gun holster where i can quickly reach it and pull it out in under 3 seconds)

anyhow its just a suggestion i would like to see, i think the f2 devs talked about back in the day 

Dark Angel:
it bad idea . I dont like it.


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