Other > Suggestions

Gun Holsters...

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--- Quote from: Sashi on July 11, 2010, 02:13:13 am ---We should be able to use radios like rocks. In the middle of combat if you lose you gun, you switch to your radio and either beat the shit outta someone or toss the radio at them. The radio should send a "sss...*CRACKLE POP*...sss" on each successful hit to anyone listening on the channel.

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Haha Yes! We need this with some weapons. 9mm out of ammo? Hit him in the head. Say you have a 1-handed weapon, when it's empty, you get reload, throw, and beat commands. Also radio should have a chance of exploding when hitting (damage to victim and attacker if beating, damage to victim if thrown).

I'd love to have multiple holsters they would provide additional tactical opportunities. However the suggestion isn't really topical since our pvp is what is (over in few seconds). Rarely you get a situation where you exchange multiple shots with your enemy, run out of ammo, switch to secondary, run out of ammo with that too and wonder what to do next.

--- Quote from: Dark Angel on July 07, 2010, 08:31:56 am ---it bad idea . I dont like it.

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Bad reasoning.

the whole point is to make a holster to avoid the 4 ap's it takes to swap pistols in your inventory, with a holster it would cut it down to 2 as long as you have the holster in your active slot (the holster could carry a max of 2 pistols ie. A .44 & 10mm

it would take 2 ap's to use the holster in combat which would simply switch between your 1st or 2nd pistol.

They should be expensive and hard to craft, hell they could even lower your AC by 1 point and be heavy...

I'm going to try to keep this topic alive for a little bit since it hasn't been closed or junked. However don't expect it to last long... I really want a gun holster tho I'm tired of wasting 4 AP's when I run out of ammo for one of my pistols and have to switch to another...2 ap's to put it away another 2 ap to take one out... it's like im digging through my backpack for my other pistol when it should be strapped on my body and easy to pull out...

troll me baby i'm into big green zitty women!

Thanks a lot for bringing up a very valid subject. I would totally do that all the time but I got bored of how change is slow and cocaine does not let me move at a very reasonable pace. Your initiative is the one of a truly participatin' anon. Wish we all had a say in teh development, but then again, I can't program and I'm dumb.


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