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Author Topic: Gun Holsters...  (Read 5405 times)

Gun Holsters...
« on: July 04, 2010, 04:22:12 am »

Check this site out for pics of holsters...

Im thinking shrink this pic and use it for the look of the gun holster in game

So my idea is to add craftable gun holsters with Fibers, Brahmin Hides, and Flint.  By carrying one of these in your active item slot, you can quickly "switch slots" to access your gun holsters which carries all (or some) of your pistols. Using your holsters in combat should bring up a little menu that shows what pistols you have in your inventory, also allowing you to quickly switch from one to another for LESS action points then normal. For example to ditch one gun in your active slot in combat it takes about 2 Ap's, then another 2 Ap's to bring a new gun in.

I suggest to add "gun holsters" which will carry a couple of your pistols so you can quickly switch between them in combat at the cost of maybe 2 Ap's at most or so. I know theres a few perks out there that do this for you, but gun holsters should be maybe the equivalent of Half of that perk, or an alternative to the perk. Or maybe just an item you can equip that will switch between your pistols for you in combat...

Let's say im using an assault rifle in slot 1, a gun holster in slot 2. My gun holster has a 14mm and a .223 pistol in it. So when im out of ammo with the 14mm I can QUICKLY switch pistols. Selecting the gun holster should bring up a tiny menu above your slot 2 giving you the choice to pick which gun you would like to use from it... maybe even allow it to hold a throwing knife...  Its kinda like the quick loader right?  1 Ap less to reload... well how about 1 AP less to switch guns so long as you have a gun holster?

Just an idea but it might work well... i was thinking about making it require 50 Fibers, 10 Brahmin Hides and 20 Flint...
Owner of FOnline 2258! A true Fallout inspired adventure!
Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2010, 04:33:00 am »

I approve of this idea, although I'd have it implemented it a bit differently.

Also the crafting materials seem a bit steep.
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Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2010, 02:02:45 pm »

2 active slots are not enough ?
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Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2010, 02:33:21 pm »

2 active slots are not enough ?

well 1 slot ussualy gets taken by a radio, and it's dam easy to get your weapon dropped in combat wasting a turn if you don't have a gun offhand.
So yeah  :D


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Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2010, 02:42:30 pm »

If you want call friends - dont fight.
If you want fight - dont call friends.
2 slots are ok.

Stop always comparing Lemmy to God.
I mean...he's cool & stuff, but he's just not Lemmy.
Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2010, 06:35:52 pm »

well i think it is a good idiea but i think that there shud be only 2 slots but with a holdster you can get 3 so if you hunting you can have 2 guns and radio so that when you are out on a run with friends at a low lvl when you need more then one to have fun or if you all run out of ammo and have to run you can find eachother with out the hassel of going in to your invatory to get a radio so you can send distres
Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2010, 03:59:36 am »

2 active slots are not enough ?

sure they are but gun holsters just look so awsome! 
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Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2010, 06:52:18 pm »

 Guh. I know some players walk around with a bunch of BGs in their inventory and when they pull it out, the animation's like they pulled it out of nowhere or maybe their asses so uh... yeah, digression.
Gun holsters *could* look a tad ridiculous for BG users.

"Oh, I'm just standing here with my vindicator in my right holster, my laser rifle in the left and my LSG in my upper torso pocket".
Didn't, got killed.
Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2010, 07:12:11 pm »

Guh. I know some players walk around with a bunch of BGs in their inventory and when they pull it out, the animation's like they pulled it out of nowhere or maybe their asses so uh... yeah, digression.
Gun holsters *could* look a tad ridiculous for BG users.

"Oh, I'm just standing here with my vindicator in my right holster, my laser rifle in the left and my LSG in my upper torso pocket".

obviously it would only be for one handed weapons
Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2010, 09:36:29 pm »

yup. Look at that pic you've got a slot for 1 gun and 1 clip. You could probably modify it to fit 1 radio, grenade, or knife instead tho... but maybe for a radio just allow us the option to use it while its in our inventory like the old school fallout 1 while in the military base.

   but if a BGunner wants to switch between his Miniguns and Rocket Launchers in combat he should get the perk quick pockets. There is no way you can wear a gun holster that will fit a minigun and a rocket launcher.
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Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2010, 09:39:14 pm »

I don't see any use to this to be honest.
2 slots are more then enough.
Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2010, 11:24:06 pm »

For the radio, a headset microphone and radio harness with radio on chest or back would make sense and free up a slot.

Make it a reward for doing things for VC, Enclave, or Brotherhood, who would presumably have tactical rigs.

Perhaps for guns we could have magazines instead of ammo in a stack.
Reloading a magazine would be faster than individual bullets.

But then reload time without magazines should be a lot longer.

Ah, forget it.

If Fonline were FOTonline, all this detail would be good.

I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2010, 01:27:00 am »

i think that what carosive is saying is good but if not gunholsters make it so on bos and tesla armore or what ever kind yuo think is best have a slot for a radio so like carosive sead that we can have it in the invatory and it work so it will free up a slot to put a back up gun in
Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2010, 07:31:02 am »

its an idea to consider... however im only looking for a "gun holster" to switch between my pistols quicker.  Its not about having a 3rd slot its about putting 2 pistols in 1 active slot and switching between them for half the Ap's in combat.
It would possibly look like:
Slot 1            Slot 2
Assault Rifle   Holster with 14mm and .223

switching to slot 2 to grab a pistol could take something like 2 ap's instead of spending 4 ap's in total by putting 1 gun back into your inventory then pulling another one out. ie. running out of ammo with a 14mm so you switch to your .223... that takes 4 ap's in total to do. why not just use up that 2nd active slot of mine with a gun holster carrying 2 guns in it so I can save myself 2 ap's in combat to switch to a gun that should be very accessable (in a gun holster where i can quickly reach it and pull it out in under 3 seconds)

anyhow its just a suggestion i would like to see, i think the f2 devs talked about back in the day 
Owner of FOnline 2258! A true Fallout inspired adventure!
Re: Gun Holsters...
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2010, 08:31:56 am »

it bad idea . I dont like it.
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