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Daily riddles

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Cool! But the flags are all dead at the top of their poles... :P


--- Quote from: Izual on September 24, 2010, 11:36:04 pm ---Cool! But the flags are all dead at the top of their poles... :P

--- End quote ---

Nothing's wrong with a few references of good music. :P (we're probably the only two guys who know this anyway ;D)


Today's (25.09.2010) riddle:

The Riddler awakes from his  slumber...

"Solve my riddle, find me and I may have something for ya."

The riddle is:

"Guarding this place 24/7..."
"And all I get is this lousy robe!"

Riddle was solved, the answer was "Chris", in Navarro (was an easy one this time).

Congrats, Arimas, who was the quickest. :)

Awww I went to Necropolis...  the dude with the really lousy robe who gaurds the door to the cathedral...


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on September 26, 2010, 12:16:06 am ---Awww I went to Necropolis...  the dude with the really lousy robe who gaurds the door to the cathedral...

--- End quote ---

I same...


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