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Daily riddles
During summer, I'll try to tell one riddle per day (but... maybe it will be less, honestly), using Server Message in the game. Don't know how it will turn out, which is what is exciting ! Each time a random reward will be delivered. The riddles will probably be like : Find out where to go, and get the reward there.
I'll tell the answer here if the reward is found OR after 12 hours.
Today's one (Sunday, 27th of June 2010) :
Where the Big and the Little are living, look at the Big one, and find out who was his clone,
Then search the building at the south of which the clone's daughter lives in.
There, you will find a Combat Armor !
SolutionLittle and Big Jesus Mordino, then Vic that has same skin as Big Jesus, then Vic's daughter in Vault City. Found by TTTLAs, congratulations to them !
Ahhhh haha,that was a good one izual. i see im gonna have to prep my jig saw solving skills for this. Cool idea though seriously.
It was really funny. It's a very good idea. Thank you, Izual. ;)
Thanks !
Today's one (Monday, 28th of June 2010) :
The stone man is running. He is afraid of the Garden of Eden.
Inside the garden's building there is a priest of an ancient garden, an abandoned one.
You recognized this priest, you know where to go. Find his abandoned garden, where he comes from !
Reward is waiting for you there.
SolutionThe stone man : Of course, the statue of the Vault Dweller in NCR ! He is running opposite the beautiful garden of NCR's church. Inside, there is a ghoul where the priest usually stands. Then, you need to find the ghoul's "garden", or "church"... In Necropolis of course ! Reward : Two robes.
TTTLA found them again. Looks like I'll have to forbid next riddles to french guys ! :p But deeply in my heart, I know french guys were the smarter ones. Seriously, they are french, so... ;p
Dammit I figured out the riddle and got there but I was late, there were tons of people already there.
Fuck me and my "The Glow" detour, hehe.
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