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Daily riddles

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Johnny Nuclear:

--- Quote from: Enzo on August 21, 2010, 02:36:27 am ---well, use radio then... it will be more classy  ;)

--- End quote ---
hmmm it would be just next complicaion, and i think 95% of players does not use radio, sometimes they would have to go through whole  map to get some.

How d'you give your names through the radio ? Don't forget everyone use the same channel and it's anonymous. IRC is really enough, and Johnny is doing great job with these riddles. If you don't have or want to install IRC just for this... Go to Mibbit -> Connect to IRC -> /server irc.forestnet.org -> /query [VSB]Johnny_N1 (I think it's your nickname, Johnny ? :p).

Because Izuals riddles were awesome and a good idea, I try to keep the spirit. So:

Today's (24.09.2010) riddle:

The Riddler awakes from his summer slumber...

"Solve my riddle, find me and I may have something for ya."

The riddle is:

"I am sweating like hell, a dark wind blows all day."
"All I can tell, someone is pissing of my customers away."

The person we were looking for was Gordon, the owner of Gordons Gas Station.

It has already been solved before I could send away this message. :D
Congratulations, Banjo! Have fun with the Brotherhood Armor. :)

Um, what was the answer?

Heh, sorry, forgot to add it. It's in there now. ;)


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