I've been playing around with several builds now, mostly with SG. But to be honest I only feel comfortable playing Fallout with a Melee/stealth character. I love the RP aspects of being a slaver, and although I don't intend to go completely PvP I would like to be able to hold my own if I had to.
I tried a PER 1 guy and hated it due to simply not being able to see a damn thing, just wondered what tips you guys could give me. At the moment I have this as a starting character (With every intention of getting slaves/mercs down the line)
Traits: Small Frame and Good Natured
Perks: Awareness, Toughness x 2, HTH bonus perks, Life Giver and Living anatomy
I was going for a knife/ripper build with my SG friend as support along with 3 mercs/slaves (+1 with the magnetic personality perk) and another as he has a charisma of 3. Which would mean 4 mercs/slaves and two players.
Is sneak a viable option these days? I read another topic that said no matter what your skill they will see you 3 hexes away but with the Silent Running perk when they see you you'll be ripping them a new hole.
I don't want to be a power house in PVP but if I see some fool trying to mess with me and I can take him, I want to be able to.