Well mostly i starting thinking about this when i made my damage based melee character, i went for 10ST and heavy handed...also got first bonus
hth dmg perk and STILL my min dmg with a combat knife or crowbar for example is 3-23, i mean that 3 is just ridiculous.
I sacrificed toughness and other defensive perks to get pure power but still ive hit some enemies for 1-5 dmg with a combat knife (and i dont mean enclaves or BoS...some regular low/mid tier critters), thats just plain silly.
Its bad enough that we cant run while attacking, but even our damage can be total crap unless we use those really expensive toys like rippers
and super sledges which id prefer not to use untill much much later.
However hitting with 4ap sledgehammer or 3ap combat knife for 1 dmg couple times in row with a character that is supposed to deal heavy damage
is just...well sad. So increasing some basic melee weapon minimum damage would already do wonders to melee builds, of course i dont mean
that ripper, supersledge or cattle prod needs any boosts. Its just that it would be nice to use some of the basic weapons
without being horribly unstable in terms of damage.
As it is even unarmed damage builds offer much more stable damage and totally free of charge, even if melee weapons are
cheap and common they shouldnt be so horribly unbalanced. The maximum damage is of course nice, but most of time the attacks tend to be from
lower end for me atleast.
*PS* also while i made a melee topic, guess i can ask why isnt the wakizashi blade in the game currently ? it would be nice
addition for the small number of usable melee weapons, as currently almost all the good ones except for super sledge require ammo.