I've been seeing several Plasmas in TC recently. See Izuals latest video for a reference.
And how many miniguns and snipers you seen on this video? 20 miniguns, 20 snipers and 5 plasma rifles?
I think that if someone is taking town some GM should go into town and check the battle, like Rusty is doing, he is standing and watching battle. If you will do it, you will see, that plasma rifles are in battle useless. I tried use plasma rifle in last few days but on big maps like Gecko, Modoc or Klamath it's useless due its range and in Reding and Broken Hills it's useless if you aren't on psycho because this maps are full of psycho big guners. Last week I saw in battle lot of SG snipers, bigguners, but energy snipers are rare.
I like EW, I'm using laser rifle, but vs metal armor it's really useless if you haven't got bypass you do critical damage for max. 50hp... I have to choose target in CA or leather because I can hurt them more.
Just try add plasma rifle to game, you if it will be overpowered, you can allways remove it from game, or just increase range to normal plasma rifle to 35-40 hexes. It's beta test so lets test something new.