Tiny status
Today i bring you brand new tool, now finally useful. This tool checks status of desired server automatically at specified interval. After server becomes online it can do some cool things, its just new and REALLY better version of FO Autochecker. This one is useful and tiny, it can switch server in matter of two clicks and you can set server IP adress and port yourself that it will work again for any server in case that server would change IP adress again.
Why new name? Because previous versions were just to test out my programming skills, this program is made to be useful. Thats why i made second tool "Even tinier" (more info below)
This version doesnt have russian translation yet, if you can make one (brief instructions are in readme file and in English.lng file) i will be very thankful and put your name in readme file. Chuvachello is making one but i dont know how long it will take. Also you can send me any other translation that you make and i post them too.
http://halfrobot.wz.cz/count/click.php?id=24It is hosted on my own website so dont worry about PHP, it will simply redirect you to the file and count your download.

Even tinierEven tinier is tool included in the package, its size can be as small as 55x66 pixels! It will check status of both servers at once and show you number of online players. It is intended for long-time use and so its interval is 5x longer than interval set in settings. It has checkbox that will toggle form border, form border allows you to move window to desired location, then uncheck the box to make it smaller. If you want to close this tool click the little plain button or press Alt+F4.
Even tinier Screenshot:

Now i will be happy to get some feedback so i can know if it can be futher improved.