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Author Topic: Weapon comparasion  (Read 2434 times)

Weapon comparasion
« on: June 09, 2010, 01:43:08 pm »


This file will allow you to compare various weapons based on AP cost, Strength requirement, Range etc.
Most important thing is that it can show you how much damage can be done to any target (you can modify his DT,DR,AC) and it will also show how much skill point do you need to have 95% CtH at maximum range.

- shotguns have all accuracy perk
- big guns dont have accuracy perk... i dont have time to check it in game now
- mostly i have info from wiki and forum so dont consider it to be perfect (i am sure that there are some mistakes :) )
- penetration perk is not yet implemented in equations
- drop in CtH during night is not implemented ... i was not sure if its already in game (simply add 20% to skill)
- burst damage is calculated for all bullets (somewhere i find info that if one bullet miss target all others following it will miss automatically)
- anyone can modify this file to apply anything that i have missed (if you are skilled enough in excel)

Feel free to post any comment that can improve this utility
PS: Its .xlsx file --> Excel 2007 in my case :)

UPDATE v 1.1:
- accuracy perk added for miniguns and mauser
- penetration perk implemented
- added DpAP (average damage per action point)
- file is in .xls format (for 97-2003 versions)
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 11:07:55 pm by Abturon »
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