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Author Topic: Reworking of the merc system  (Read 7803 times)


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Reworking of the merc system
« on: June 05, 2010, 10:22:26 pm »

Multiple tiers of mercs that are available depending on player level:

lvl 1-5 leather jacket mercs with melee/unarmed skill(1k)
lvl 5-10 leather jacket mercs with small gun(5k)/big gun(10k)/ew(7k) skills (each skill is a separate merc)
lvl 10-15 Metal armour mercs with melee/unarmed skill (5k)
lvl 15-21 Metal armour mercs with small gun(10k)/big gun(15k)/ew skills(15k) (each skill is a separate merc)

Mercs come with no weapons just the ability to use a weapon class, you have to equip them yourself. Prices are static but need to be balanced, mine are just an example. An alternative would be to have increased prices that decrease over time like we currently have, but only affected by the player doing the buying.

Expanded ai commands to include "Attack no one" and a "Run to me" hotkey that overrides all other commands.

Mercs that survive while the player dies and have a radio in their inventories set to a channel can be recovered after respawn by sending a message on that radio channel after respawn.

Mercs only equip items they will use in combat (like how metal mercs currently can hold a grenade but will never throw it)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 10:24:36 pm by Ziven »


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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2010, 11:29:41 pm »

100% agreed with the topic
90 % agreed with the post.

Multiple tiers of mercs that are available depending on player level:
just great!
Mercs come with no weapons just the ability to use a weapon class, you have to equip them yourself. Prices are static but need to be balanced, mine are just an example. An alternative would be to have increased prices that decrease over time like we currently have, but only affected by the player doing the buying.
Expanded ai commands to include "Attack no one" and a "Run to me" hotkey that overrides all other commands.
Mercs that survive while the player dies and have a radio in their inventories set to a channel can be recovered after respawn by sending a message on that radio channel after respawn.
aargh i absolutly don´t like this radio idea.
mercs are hired.
your death means loose everything and all.


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 12:02:42 am »

i would like such comand like "run to me" but besides that suggestion suck and i find current system much better (not perfect still)


  • *PEW**PEW**PEW*
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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2010, 02:15:47 am »

You currently respawn with slaves/mercs anyways and it causes all kinds of problems, as for ved your opinion is worthless.


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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2010, 02:35:29 am »

Tbh... This is perfect if you ask me.  It'll make mercs actually worth something to lvl 21 charisma builds because imagine it.  Your not a combat build in the first place and everytime you buy a merc they're the same lowish level that takes forever to get up and even then they are generally no match for a single powerbuild so your fucked.  This would solve such problems and balance out charisma VS powerbuild combat.

So.... agrees 100%.
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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2010, 02:50:50 am »

I have to agree that it really sounds good. But not 21 level mercs, sorry. One should still be in line when it comes to leveling mercs/slaves etc.


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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2010, 02:57:19 am »

I have to agree that it really sounds good. But not 21 level mercs, sorry. One should still be in line when it comes to leveling mercs/slaves etc.
ok maybe max bought lvl of slave/merc could be 18? 16?
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  • *PEW**PEW**PEW*
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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2010, 08:01:17 am »

Oh shit the lvl number represents the level the player has to be to buy the mercs, not the level of the mercs themselves. The current merc lvling system just isn't worth the hassle as the weapons and armour they use limit them to mid level status in terms of how tough they are and having more health and skills is great but a huge time investment that can be easily lost. I think the right to get mutant mercs should have to be earned by a questline regarding bh that can only be taken at max lvl.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 08:07:29 am by Ziven »


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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2010, 03:14:45 pm »

questline is a nice suggestion.
but it think it´s more important to raise the prices for every follower slot (charisma 3, 5, 7, 9, magnetic personality)
because 1 supermutant with rocket luncher isn´t that bad to fight against like 5 supermutants with rocketluncher.

so that would be a nice combo :
increase of generaly merc prices per follower slot
and raising the merc level each 5.level of the leader
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 03:30:40 pm by John.Metzger »


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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2010, 09:54:05 pm »

You currently respawn with slaves/mercs anyways and it causes all kinds of problems, as for ved your opinion is worthless.

these suggestions are for devs same as opinions about them so shut the fuck up ^^

and the biggest drawback of your suggestion is that for example i need merc that fight with hammers, so i have to stick myself to one particular level or if i will level up more i wont be able to buy those mercs this is not encouraging to play when you need to do nothing to reach your goal.


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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2010, 11:16:13 pm »

Perhaps the best solution in the end would be to have mercs level long with you, i.e their level = your_level*possible_modifier (with some limit, of course). This means that mercs are as viable for a level 1 guy as for a level 17 guy, and merc will level along the way, so no need to discard them to get new ones.


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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2010, 11:53:45 pm »

Perhaps the best solution in the end would be to have mercs level long with you, i.e their level = your_level*possible_modifier (with some limit, of course). This means that mercs are as viable for a level 1 guy as for a level 17 guy, and merc will level along the way, so no need to discard them to get new ones.

well if i understand right, then lvl 21 character who bought mutants would have them at lvl 21 instantly? If yes, then each level should cost a lot, so you could have a choice, to buy them more cheap and level up yourself, or to buy them way more expensive and leveled up :/


  • *PEW**PEW**PEW*
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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2010, 02:43:06 am »

these suggestions are for devs same as opinions about them so shut the fuck up ^^

and the biggest drawback of your suggestion is that for example i need merc that fight with hammers, so i have to stick myself to one particular level or if i will level up more i wont be able to buy those mercs this is not encouraging to play when you need to do nothing to reach your goal.

You misunderstood, when you reach x level you unlock the ability to buy that kind of merc. I'm not saying once you hit 21 you can only buy metal armour guys. This was to address the complaints that you can get end game mercs at lvl 1.


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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2010, 01:15:37 pm »

So then logically combining both would be good. Gradually more types are unlocked as you go and they get starter levels depending on your char level too.

Then you can still get the "weak" merc types that have a high starting level.
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  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Reworking of the merc system
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2010, 01:20:43 pm »

Well in this way i think it could be make like

You are lvl 1-5 lvl so you can buy these mercs as author said. All these mercs come out at their first level.

You are 5-10 level, you can buy 5-10 lvl mercs which will be at lvl 1, and 1-5 lvl mercs which will start with level 5.

You are lvl 10-15 you can buy, lvl 10-15 mercs which will be at lvl 1, and lvl 5-10 mercs which will be at lvl 5, and 1-5 lvl mercs which will be at lvl 10.

and same for rest

that would solve level 21 mutants problem and then leveling up of mercs could even stay the same as now.
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