In my experience most mmos are all about the money, the bottom line, like any big business. So naturally they cater to the first time player, trying everything they can to lure, to entice, to attract more potential paying customers. They do a lot of hand holding, they have a shitload of rules to protect all the lil kiddies who want to play [with their parents money], and these mmos also enforce censorship to keep their G-rating so that all the mommies and daddies will keep paying for their kid's subscription.
I myself am a parent now. I've been playing mmos and rpgs since the first mmos and crpgs came out when i was a kid. And the games I played as a kid were far less forgiving than todays games. Nobody held my hand or made it easy to figure stuff out. Wasteland and later Fallout were my favorite CRPGs of the dozens I've played. And wasteland was one of the most challenging CRPGs of its time. Still is perhaps compared to the dumbed down stuff the major game makers sell these days.
I think there should be games for us adults who grew up playing games and don't want to stop playing just because we have responsibilities now. On most mmos when players find out how old I am I often get responses like "get a life" or something along those lines. When they grow up they aren't going to just stop loving the games they grew up playing and they are also going to want to play the new stuff that comes out when they are older. Generation Z will look at generation y and tell them to "get a life" lol. So my generation X ass just laughs and keeps playing. [i think they're just jealous because my generation has the cooler name, lol]
But anyway, my point is I love this MMO primarily for two reasons. One it is a classic game from my youth [actually I was in my 20's when the first Fallout hit the shelves] and I never stopped playing it all these years. Two this is not the G-rated hand-holding little kids game of most mainstream MMOs, this one is for adults. For seasoned veteran gamers looking for a REAL challenge, and not ass-kissing candyland shit.
Also this is not a classic fantasy setting where the good guys always win and heroes travel the world with ease via faery-rings and magic-trees, life in the wasteland is pure stark cold in your face reality, no political correctness, no equality, no God of peace and love watching over His sheeple, no American Dream, no UN world police, no world superpowers enforcing global law and order, or as the original punk bands of my generation lamented "NO FUTURE". The wasteland is all about Nietzsche and Darwin, Jack London, Robert E. Howard [the way I always thought fantasy should have been but was ruined by the childlike Harry Potter style garbage that passes for fantasy].
See you in my crosshairs

**steps down from soapbox**