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Author Topic: How do you grind?  (Read 6212 times)


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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2010, 09:24:22 pm »

You can grind centaurs hth in rt pretty easily past lvl 9. For rt shooting just run, stop a second get 1-2 ap, run, stop, shoot, run, etc. RT combat screws with the game mechanics because you don't use aps for movement so where in tb you can shoot or run in rt you can do both.


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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2010, 11:50:34 pm »

I don't usually grind, except I am really really bored over the limits.
That happens maybe ~twice a month? Then I go to some random molerat encounters... (need to nerf their xp, way too much).

I don't really care when I reach level 21 or not.
Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2010, 12:24:55 am »

Ghoul crazies.
165 xp and good loot.


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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2010, 12:27:38 am »

Ghoul crazies.
165 xp and good loot.
Good loot? you mean awesome loot. :P
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2010, 12:29:11 am »

Best way is make 5k 10mm JHP ammo (on sg burster/sniper) then go on ghouls/molerats , but if you are hardcore make first 1- 5k 10mm AP ammo and then go SF caravans / Gangs near SF
Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2010, 12:38:06 am »

Rats, Scorpions, Mantis, Molerats. That's the order I use for my low lvl chars.


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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2010, 01:56:53 am »

IN RT!?!?!?!

How the hell you manage to do that in RT?

I feel useless in RT since running takes away your AP and centaurs have same AP as me...

Can you explain a little please? :)
He means: Run around in desert, and enter every encounter where theres at least 2 groups of floaters/centaurs. If at least one of them attacks you, then just run away, continue searching. If they attack each other and not you, just let them bullets fly, if you're a BG low level or want to save money, then use a flamer, if you're sg with high luck and better criticals then a BB gun, if you're a thrower then molotovs/any grenades, if you're hth, then just attack, even if you die you dont lose anything(i myself am a better criticaled unarmed guy, i usually do 0-5 instakills unarmed/floaterfight - nerf instakills btw). If you are SG however and dont have better criticals, and you burst instead, then dont even bother. You can use AP ammo to kill them, but you are wasting so much ammo its just not worth it, kill molerats instead.
HtH suggestions: Melee: +DR(PA)
Unarmed: +AC(active sneak should boost AC as they are "less visible")
General "class" idea pool in the form of new perks with high skillrequirements:


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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2010, 02:08:53 am »

I'm a sniper SG with 26% crit and no better crit yet, next perk to take, didn't know was that good...

Grinding in real time doesn't let me think so I don't do unless is molerats or lower.

I just don't wanna go against some ghouls with sniper rifles, and centaurs and floaters didn't try but I'm not sure its best option.

Still want someone to make me a "real time" show lol :)

Don't fuck with Brahmins.


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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2010, 03:14:42 am »

Best way is make 5k 10mm JHP ammo (on sg burster/sniper) then go on ghouls/molerats , but if you are hardcore make first 1- 5k 10mm AP ammo and then go SF caravans / Gangs near SF

Unless you have a big gang of jacked and tanned buddies, I don't know how you're going to beat a SF caravan with 10mm AP. You might get one or two shots off before getting hit in the face with an eye shot laser rifle or LSW


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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #24 on: June 06, 2010, 05:17:23 am »

JUsto go to desert and find versus with centaurs...  :-*


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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2010, 08:08:25 am »

Unless you have a big gang of jacked and tanned buddies, I don't know how you're going to beat a SF caravan with 10mm AP. You might get one or two shots off before getting hit in the face with an eye shot laser rifle or LSW

All you need is bob and a hammer.
Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2010, 10:15:36 am »

I just don't wanna go against some ghouls with sniper rifles, and centaurs and floaters didn't try but I'm not sure its best option.

I use scoped hunting rifles or assault rifles against ghouls and do it in real time.
They are very slow, so you easily outrun them, get your AP back up to fire another shot and run again.
Take out the ones with hunting rifles and assault rifles first and the ones with the spears last.

Red Bear

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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2010, 11:55:19 am »

Heavy Fighter 1-21 lvl in 2 hours - Flamer MK2, Floaters/Cents
Energy Sniper 3,5 hours - Cents only
Small Sniper 2,5 hours - Floaters/Cents


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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2010, 01:49:55 pm »

Heavy Fighter 1-21 lvl in 2 hours - Flamer MK2, Floaters/Cents
Energy Sniper 3,5 hours - Cents only
Small Sniper 2,5 hours - Floaters/Cents

Sorry can't believe this, is plain impossible.

Any video showing skills?

Don't fuck with Brahmins.


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Re: How do you grind?
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2010, 02:00:59 pm »

Sorry but it is possible - make 5xxx fuel mk2 flamethroweer mk2 5x jets and cmbt armor and friend who carry all ammo behind you :) I got WITH doing all things (fuel,jets) it took me 6 hours to get 17 lvl
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