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China as new superpower

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--- Quote from: Quentin Lang on June 03, 2010, 12:15:17 am ---I didnt really get the point of this, butYeah. This. Especially the last one. I recall having some scandal around where i live about lead and other heavy metals in baby toys from China.

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People say America was ruthless......  China is fucking psychotic.

A political debate in the FOnline forum? Oh lordy.  :-\
Better prepare.


--- Quote ---Because they opened up to free trade, yes
--- End quote ---

It's more like free trade opened to them...

China has the 2nd biggest economy, has been expanding while america and europes economies crumble and is in the middle of creating a middle class. America owes "As of May 26, 2010, the Total Public Debt Outstanding was 88.9% of GDP, approximately $13 trillion" "In May 2009, the US owed China $772 billion.". No one can compete with their wages as they have a content workforce (factory work is better than toiling in fields) who get's paid almost nothing, not to mention an insane population. Everything you buy is made in china. As for them being crazy, yeah their gov't is disgusting but they also have less people in prison per capita than the US and half the murder rate. Plus the US can't really claim any kind of moral high ground they are on the same level as most of the dictators/terrorists they go after they put there to begin with.

they have less people in prison because most of the time people get executed.


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