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China as new superpower

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--- Quote ---As of May 26, 2010, the Total Public Debt Outstanding was 88.9% of GDP
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As long as they can sustain their level of activity, and maintain the thrust in their economy, it will turn out ok. Most developped countries have such rates anyway.

--- Quote ---"In May 2009, the US owed China $772 billion."
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They owed about the same sum to Japan for years now... Anyway, that also makes China dependant of the US. No more US, no more money.

--- Quote ---Everything you buy is made in china.
--- End quote ---
Yep. But how many things invented in China are we (the western world?) using? Please don't tell me the black powder. That was ages ago.

Well anyway, no one is going to contest China ain't a military and economic superpower. But it still lack a lot of maturity before it can pretend to the same level as the US. And if China achieve this maturity (mainly with a numerous, educated middle class and democracy), well they wont be able to pay the same wages to their workers, thus losing economic competivity. Well, that's how I see it anyway. As long as the two superpowers don't make me live in a fallout shelter, I guess I will be happy.

I'm just saying china is on its way up while the post ww2 prosperity in the states has fallen apart and the country is in decline.

Dark Angel:
Poland is new super nova ! :P


--- Quote from: Dark Angel on June 03, 2010, 08:42:00 am ---Poland is new super nova ! :P

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Poland can into space? Supernova is a arriving light from star which exploded millions of years ago, btw.

As for China, i heard that their primary objectives are logistical infrastructures and heavy industry, since Mao destroyed agriculture pretty much back then. And Chinese are learning very eagerly from the West.


--- Quote from: Ziven on June 02, 2010, 11:20:09 pm ---China is the worlds new superpower

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China is communist ? That's new. Chinese people have a free economy, and the only aspect where they look like communists is the dictatorship they all live with. Though if you ask my opinion Staline's USSR wasn't communist, neither than Mao's China. True political communism is Trotsky's one, and has never been set up.


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