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China as new superpower

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--- Quote from: scypior on June 02, 2010, 10:59:18 pm ---Communism sounded good on paper too.

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China is the worlds new superpower


--- Quote from: Ziven on June 02, 2010, 11:20:09 pm ---China is the worlds new superpower

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Because they opened up to free trade, yes


--- Quote from: Solar on June 02, 2010, 11:51:27 pm ---Because they opened up to free trade, yes

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yeah but this wont last very long, at the moment all the poison theyve been exporting in everything they put out is finally starting to catch up with them. like the cardboard in pills, the asbestos in the sheetrock that was sent to new orleans, the lead in the paint of the toys they manufacture, all in all china will be regulated out of its top spot, the only reason they make so much is because they use sub-par everything.


--- Quote from: Aricvomit on June 02, 2010, 11:55:43 pm ---yeah but this wont last very long, at the moment all the poison theyve been exporting in everything they put out is finally starting to catch up with them. like the cardboard in pills, the asbestos in the sheetrock that was sent to new orleans, the lead in the paint of the toys they manufacture, all in all china will be regulated out of its top spot, the only reason they make so much is because they use sub-par everything.

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this.  I hope to fucking god.

Quentin Lang:
I didnt really get the point of this, but

--- Quote ---like the cardboard in pills, the asbestos in the sheetrock that was sent to new orleans, the lead in the paint of the toys they manufacture
--- End quote ---
Yeah. This. Especially the last one. I recall having some scandal around where i live about lead and other heavy metals in baby toys from China.


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