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Author Topic: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.  (Read 11429 times)


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Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« on: May 29, 2010, 11:22:11 pm »

Well here goes, basically I will put my 2 cents out there and just say their are not enough caps in the wasteland to go around.
besides people hording up to and over half a million caps (ive seen pictures) huge amounts of caps are spent in areas where they dont recirculate, and this is my issue.
 I think when somebody drops the 30k on a base or whatever they're getting whether it be books from the library or other things that you can buy from npcs where the money just gets deleted after its taken should be redistributed into the economy, having a semi-finite number of caps could never work due to the fact that the money just gets hoarded or deleted, and when it is spent its never spent at merchants, so the upper echelon of power gangs that dont need money to get equpment are the ones benifiting while new players are made to suffer.
So heres my suggestion, either have the money spent on bases go directly into merchants inventories or make caps infinite, having them be a pain the butt to get only frustrates players.
I believe the goal of this game should be to have fun but if over half of your player base is pissed off you should take note and listen.
Im fairly certain i can say most people would agree with me that the state of the economy is ridiculous, and is only made worse by practices like suicide bombing and what not. oh and making merchants take longer to refresh inventories is only adding to the issue. just look at the situation as a whole, your making the game overly difficult to do anything unless your doing TC and could give a fuck less about how many caps a merchant has because your 1CHR powerbuild gets everything he needs from you alt crafters and never has to worry about money.
plasma nade your face off!
Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2010, 11:30:30 pm »

Agreed, you spend 30k on a base it should be in the guys inv so you can barter for the cash to buy it. Otherwise it's an endless money pit.


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Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2010, 11:55:46 pm »

+1, if i go to ncr to sell junk, i dont want to "hunt" and fight other people for that few caps the merchants tend to have...if they have any.

But also keep in mind that you are "printing" money by looting caps from encounters, selling slaves, etc... NPCs having 30k is just easy loot.. In the end we will have issues like inflation, stock market crashes, great depressions, FLC midgets suiciding, 1 10mm jhp costing 50.000.000 caps, and king vedaras dying from hunger.
HtH suggestions: Melee: +DR(PA)
Unarmed: +AC(active sneak should boost AC as they are "less visible")
General "class" idea pool in the form of new perks with high skillrequirements:
Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2010, 12:11:02 am »

Disagreed. You need gold sinks in games in order to prevent inflation. If the caps are constantly in circulation then either the caps begin to lose value or the items begin to lose value. There needs to be some places where caps are "destroyed" to maintain a relatively balanced economy. Otherwise you have caps constantly entering the system from merchant updates, but caps never being destroyed, meaning the total number of caps in the game

Although I will agree that this probably isn't much of an issue for fonline considering the small player base. If anything though there needs to be more places to pour your caps into. More luxury/vanity stuff.

Right now pretty much the only gold/cap sink i can think of is mercenaries and maybe bases. Where else do people spend large sums of money all at once?

Having to hunt for the right merchant who will buy my stuff at full price, as well as having the caps to do it was one of the funnest (if not a little tedious) things about fonline. It makes things much realer rather than the merchant with infinite pockets who tends to buy items in mass but doesn't often sell them.

Although the advantage of merchants with infinite caps would be that they act as an item trader of sorts for players. If i can easily sell my stuff to him, and he keeps that stuff, then players will always have the caps to buy the items that other players sell to him. Meh, so many angles to view this idea from...


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Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2010, 12:50:23 am »

One reason that causes players to stock money is that they are very self-sufficient. They can produce most things by themselves so they don't have to sell or buy anything to other players for caps. Besides, player2player trading is tiresome and slow.

In addition there isn't something really awesome that you could buy with caps. You can buy equipment, cars, bases, mercs and that's it. It doesn't matter if you have one million caps or ten million caps because in both cases you have reached the limit of how much benefit you can get from money. 
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2010, 02:47:00 am »

One reason that causes players to stock money is that they are very self-sufficient. They can produce most things by themselves so they don't have to sell or buy anything to other players for caps. Besides, player2player trading is tiresome and slow.

In addition there isn't something really awesome that you could buy with caps. You can buy equipment, cars, bases, mercs and that's it. It doesn't matter if you have one million caps or ten million caps because in both cases you have reached the limit of how much benefit you can get from money. 

My build requires about 170-200k caps to be at maximum pvp potential, 150 of that has to be actual caps. It's a pain getting them.


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Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2010, 11:29:22 am »

Disagreed. You need gold sinks in games in order to prevent inflation.


In addition there isn't something really awesome that you could buy with caps. You can buy equipment, cars, bases, mercs and that's it. It doesn't matter if you have one million caps or ten million caps because in both cases you have reached the limit of how much benefit you can get from money. 

Caps allow you to trade with any trader type with ease. Caps need to be rare to make it harder to do this.

Trader respawn rate was slowed to stop making it so easy to craft low tech items and turn them into higher tier items and to reduce the amount of caps that are swishing round the wastes. Overall the Trading system was a little too easy/quick with respect to the higher tier stuff and caps were too readily available.
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Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2010, 01:14:55 pm »

i think biggest problem for author is that he lives in NCR, because all other traders in other towns have huge amounts of caps, so better instead of making suggestions like current, explore wasteland more :>
Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2010, 05:18:47 pm »

i think biggest problem for author is that he lives in NCR, because all other traders in other towns have huge amounts of caps, so better instead of making suggestions like current, explore wasteland more :>


It also makes game more entertaining and MAKES you crawl out of NCR from time to time.
Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2010, 05:59:18 pm »

It also makes game more entertaining and MAKES you crawl out of NCR from time to time.
Not really, I often can see players at Hub stores... but all they need is talk to a trader, nothing more. Sometimes they can say "hi", sometimes "stop ****ing talk to a trader, let me trade you *****" or "trader is ****ing busy, let me burst your ass", etc. All they need there is the trading with NPCs, they will never stay at market square or Falcon Bar just to gather and do nothing, like they doing that on bazaar at NCR. And I don't think it'll change sometime. Even making NCR unguarded (btw one of the best ideas ever) forced players to stay there ^_^ And I really loved unguarded NCR, because there always was an action, it's not like any other unguarded town, in Den/Klamath/Modoc/Redding/Broken Hills (New Reno/Necropolis where you can meet 1 player/year) you won't probably just talk to unknown people and gather together to fight against another dumb gang who trying to kill bluesuiters. Only at unguarded NCR you could stay and not shoot at or being shot by unknown person only because you have a gun and an armor, and that was great. NCR was and will be always the town where gathering all community, even if you'll remove all traders from there, people will go trade to other towns and then return to do nothing to NCR.
Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2010, 06:09:17 pm »

Well - I can see people in different cities now. Even though most of them gonna go back to NCR after few succesfull transactions, its still beter then seeing ghost towns all the time.


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Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2010, 08:35:35 pm »

I like the idea essentially but there are some flaws that have been already pointed out.
But there does need to be more circulation. 
And Vedaras, pks just sit there all day like the pricks they are just too kill bluesuits wanting to sell some stuff to the one trader with caps, how is this so much better an idea?!?!?!?!?!  NCR=picked clean  Hub=generally picked clean  San Fran=maybe, maybe not but doesnt matter since its practically ungaurded.

All the players who CANNOT defend themselves cannot go to these traders and get money for their hardwork because of this so, ofc everyone is going to stay in ncr/Hub to sell stuff constantly because of pk powerbuilds with a big fucking dorito chip on thier shoulder  and a powerbuild to match.
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Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2010, 08:42:43 pm »

I like the idea essentially but there are some flaws that have been already pointed out.
But there does need to be more circulation. 
And Vedaras, pks just sit there all day like the pricks they are just too kill bluesuits wanting to sell some stuff to the one trader with caps, how is this so much better an idea?!?!?!?!?!  NCR=picked clean  Hub=generally picked clean  San Fran=maybe, maybe not but doesnt matter since its practically ungaurded.

All the players who CANNOT defend themselves cannot go to these traders and get money for their hardwork because of this so, ofc everyone is going to stay in ncr/Hub to sell stuff constantly because of pk powerbuilds with a big fucking dorito chip on thier shoulder  and a powerbuild to match.

Hm, SF is one of the best guarded places  :-\
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2010, 08:44:51 pm »

I like the idea essentially but there are some flaws that have been already pointed out.
But there does need to be more circulation. 
And Vedaras, pks just sit there all day like the pricks they are just too kill bluesuits wanting to sell some stuff to the one trader with caps, how is this so much better an idea?!?!?!?!?!  NCR=picked clean  Hub=generally picked clean  San Fran=maybe, maybe not but doesnt matter since its practically ungaurded.

All the players who CANNOT defend themselves cannot go to these traders and get money for their hardwork because of this so, ofc everyone is going to stay in ncr/Hub to sell stuff constantly because of pk powerbuilds with a big fucking dorito chip on thier shoulder  and a powerbuild to match.

what the hell you are talking about? Vault city has 6 traders all have shitload of stuff and caps, sf has 6 traders all have shitload of stuff and caps, hub, gunrunners have very good trader each with shitload of caps too, all of them are in guarded place, so stop saying no sense making things.
Re: Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2010, 09:17:33 pm »

VC courtyard, NCR, HUB, Adytnm(or whatever), are always emptied of caps right after their inv are refreshed. SF is usually crawling with players that can kill you and half the city so guards aren't that much of a deterrent, not to mention the mobs around the entrance that have plasma nades which are pretty hard to defend against(who wears tesla?). Plus even if you make the 5 min trip across the worldmap (144 outdoor) there's no guarantee  they have the caps you want or that you'll get home alive. A lot of risk for little reward. I mean there's tons of caps in modoc, new reno and klamath but there's also pvper's popping in periodically to kill everything. If you could stack items to a dollar amount to buy mercs and bases it would improve the game a lot as you start of with 50-90 det loot, and usually take a loss at shitty vendors because they are the only ones who keep caps. Like sf courtyard doc who gives less money for med supplies than a bartender. It's tedious when you have 100k you need to collect and the most you can get per vendor is like 2-4k, more if you're really lucky, every 6 hours. Plus with competition I have to make my money off hours when everyone is asleep so I'm hoarding items all day.
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